What does it mean to be a “faith supported” ministry?
The IBPFM has no contractual relationship with any individual church or denomination. We rely solely upon the prayerful, voluntary financial support of God’s people to meet the financial needs of our home office and missionaries.
What percentage of my contribution to IBPFM actually goes to support missionary work?
85% of contributions raised by missionaries directly supports missionary families. Only 15% of funds raised is withheld to supplement a general operations fund supporting a small headquarters and office staff. The general operations fund also covers all literature and promotional materials as well as logistical missionary support.
What does it cost to send and equip a missionary for global mission work?
The cost of deploying a missionary family varies based on the individual station’s projected cost of living as well as the scope and reach of related projects and ministries. Missionaries do not view their support as compensation for services rendered, but rather sufficient and practical to equip him for the task God has given.
How does the IBPFM know if someone is “called” to missionary work?
We look forward to any opportunity to discuss and evaluate God’s possible call to international missions. Calling or emailing our headquarters is the first step towards future service. Confirming the call begins and continues with intense prayer and the wise counsel of your pastor, spouse and often missionary veterans.
What constitutes a missionary being “full time?”
We believe that the work of global missions is best carried out through the service of committed, career missionaries – those who are willing to consecrate their lives to the Lord for a lifetime. Church history and our own testimony at the IBPFM confirms that total surrender, without conditions, is a path that honors God.
What is the relationship of the IBPFM missionary to the local, indigenous church congregations?
The IBPFM has a history of heeding the Macedonian Call from the foreign field to aid churches, who hold the same values and biblical principles. We count it a privilege to support national leaders in matters of training, equipping and encouraging local faith families.
Does IBPFM have a need for part-time, short-term missionaries?
The Independent Board recognizes that there are occasions when short-term missionary service of one or two years is acceptable. In certain instances a missionary contribution of a specialized type can be most beneficial on a particular field for a specific period of time. IBPFM has frequently deployed summer missionary teams to support full-time missionary stations.
How often do missionaries return from the mission station?
The terms of service are between four and five years, with one year furlough to follow. A furlough provides rest, spiritual refreshment, a time to renew family relationships, opportunities to study, and a time to report to supporting churches and individuals. On occasion, a six-month furlough is granted for those missionaries who serve on the field for two years.
Does the IBPFM engage or support any humanitarian work?
The primary purpose for service under the IBPFM is to fulfill Christ’s Commission to “preach the Gospel to every creature,” and to do so upon the basis of the direction, principles, and methods clearly laid down in the Scriptures. Yet the Independent Board has, and continues to use, opportunities to engage in humanitarian work in areas of need, such as famine and earthquake relief, medical care, and education in the name of Christ.