Rendille Outreach

Judith Collins and Peter Lkayo ask someone to commit to pray for a former Baalah School pupil, Simon, originally a Roman Catholic, with them from under the tree in 2001, who got as far as medical school where he married a fellow student, had a child, craved financial help which they could not supply, so he turned to casual work to keep alive. He was last seen at a BP Youth Conference. After his questions were answered, his face just shone! They have learned that he has started a BP church near Kargi. The BPC has a name through the North for being very biblical, and they are jealous for that name. Pray as Peter meets with him for counsel, to see if he is serious about ministry, if he wishes theological studies at one of the Presbyterian colleges (BCEA or FCB). A BP pastor's wife prayed for him for years, might this be the fruit of those prayers?