The Choi Family

Rev. Stephen (In Pil) Choi and his wife Lydia (Sam Soon Hwang), commissioned in 2000, began their service under the IBPFM in Taiwan. By January 2003 the Lord led them to reach the lost in Cambodia. Since that time they have established three churches in and around Phnom Penh (Glory, Gospel and Living Water Bible Presbyterian Churches). At the Gospel Church they have begun a kindergarten program, with four trained teachers. They also offer English, computer, Chinese, Korean, and Bible classes in an effort to reach out to the various communities. Youth teams from Korea, Singapore, and Australia have volunteered many man-hours to this ministry, in an effort to reach the lost and encourage the believers.
Choi, Rev. & Mrs. In Pil (Stephen)
Glory Bible Presbyterian Church
124, Street 499K, Kraing Angkrang
Kraing Thnong, Postatjey, Phnom Penh
Cell phone 011-855-92-720974