IBPFM offers unique ways a congregation, Sunday School class, church missionary society or individual family can support and encourage those stationed in remote and distant nations. Here are 3 significant ways to begin your personal partnership with our missionary teams.
Adopt a Missionary Family
Stay in touch with a family throughout the entire year by exchanging photographs, sending birthday and anniversary cards and remembering significant and special occasions. You’ll find that personal encouragement from other believers, whether it arrives in an envelope or the in-box, is a great blessing to those serving overseas. When the missionary comes home on furlough, look for an opportunity to invite them to your home or local church family.
Support a Baalah Primary Student
The Baalah Primary School located in a remote, desert region of Northern Kenya, serves some 450 children in severe poverty. For only $15 per month, an elementary student at BPS will receive nutritious meals, a uniform, school supplies and Bible-centered instruction.
Engage in Short-Term Missions
Prayerfully consider joining the next short-term summer missions team, S.O.M.E. (Student Overseas Missionary Endeavor), for an unforgettable and spiritually challenging time of service and encouragement. Experience God’s work first hand through this life-transforming opportunity. IBPFM would also welcome retired couples to share their lifetime of experience by serving on a short or extended mission with R.O.A.M. (Retired Overseas Assistance Mission). No matter what your skill set, professional training or vocation, we’ll find a place for you on the field!
We’d love to discuss these opportunities with you. To begin the conversation, email us at info@ibpfm.org.