Spring Report from London | Ki Family

Seasons are changing all the time in London. It was spring season in February and then we tasted a bit of summer and spring in March, and as we near the end of April, it feels like winter. It is a common scene here, that people wear thick coats, and we are still using heaters at night. Though people and seasons are changing, thank the Lord that He is faithful and unchangeable. 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, “God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

New Life BPC: London, U.K.

During the months of February and March, many of our regular worshippers left for their holidays or family reunions. It means that the church was quiet and not too many people were around. However, we thank and praise the Lord for sending us visitors again from different parts of the world.

One feature during these months is that we did not take a break from Young People’s Bible studies. In the past, because of the absence of many students for their school holidays, we had to take a few weeks of break from the Friday meetings. However, by now we do not have many students, and those who graduated from their universities are working. It enabled us to continue to hold our regular Bible study sessions, though the attendees were not very many. Our Saturday Bible study and prayer meetings have continued well.

London, UKAt this point, we cannot but talk about our recent overseas trips. We had to be away from London for one month. It was not for holidays but for ministry, as usual. We spent two weeks in Australia and worked with our home church in Adelaide. Then we spent two weeks in Singapore. Though we had been away from London for four Sundays, Tim preached for all those four Sundays either in Australia or in Singapore. We were very thankful to the Lord for granting us a safe journey.

While we were absent from New Life Church in London, various preachers were invited, and they ministered to our people faithfully. Though preachers came and ministered on Sundays, we still needed someone who could minister on Saturdays for Bible study and prayer meetings, as well as someone to guide the young people on Fridays. Thankfully, the Lord raised up a fine young man who was able to share God’s Word with our people for three Saturdays. We are very thankful that we do have a scripturally well-grounded man for God’s ministry in our church. Our young people got together and studied the Scriptures even through conference calls via Skype. We thank the Lord for their desire to study the Scriptures and the technology that the Lord has given to us for our benefit.

During our absence, the church had a Bible conference over the Easter weekend. A fine preacher was invited from Scotland, and he truly showered heavenly blessings from God’s Word on our people. We are grateful that the Lord has raised up such faithful preachers here and there for the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord also has blessed our young church families. It is quite unbelievable to know that three young couples are waiting for their babies due either in July or in September. Surely, we will have an increase in number of babies very soon. Also we are waiting for a wedding of a fine young couple in church in June. It will be our first wedding in the UK, for which we are all excited and happy for them.

We have been praying for Gospel tracts and hoping to produce some within this year. In the meanwhile, we found a good article to be printed and received the permission to use it for evangelism. Thankfully, a deacon from New Life BPC in Singapore was willing to sponsor the printing cost. We will soon get 700 copies of it. We thank the Lord for His provision and a man of God whose heart was moved by the Lord.

Hope Church: Adelaide, Australia

It was good to be reunited with our church families again. Though it was a short visit, we wanted to maximize our time there by doing as much work as we could do. We met many of the church families individually or as a group. Myung was ministering to the young people and the church families by providing meals. She was not in perfect condition in terms of health, but she was more than happy to do huge amounts of work for them.

There were many new faces in church. Some old friends moved to other cities or countries for their jobs and work. In the meanwhile, there are new faces, especially young people from mainland China. There are a large number of students coming from China. Some have never heard the Gospel message at all. However, one of the new faces is a very fine Christian who is all fired up for the Lord. She has invited literally all of her classmates to come to church.

There was an inaugural service for Sunday afternoon worship services while we were there. Tim was privileged to speak in that service. Not a small number of people came and joined us. This particular worship service is purposed to bring the Gospel message to non-Christians. Hope that you will remember this service in your prayers. It is just once a month, until any change will be made in the future.

We were just informed that one of our dear ladies departed to be with the Lord in eternity. She was not young but young in heart. She had a childlike faith. Thank the Lord who has given us opportunities to minister to her in the past.

We also thank the Lord for the Session of the church. They are dedicated and committed people. Please continue to uphold them in your prayers.


The Lord has been good to us in many ways. He has looked after us and met our needs. You may want to pray for us that we will be continually faithful and useful tools for the Lord’s ministry in London. Please remember our two sons in Adelaide in your prayers, too. Pray for their faithfulness to the Lord, faith in Him, and purity in heart.

We thank you for your prayers and support. May the Lord bless you all!

With many thanks,
– Tim and Myung Ki

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