Station: Arica, Chile, South America
Dear Brethren,
We cordially greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus! Thanks to God, we are all well and receiving our Heavenly Father’s blessings and are grateful to our Lord for all the visits we received in June and for the opportunity to serve our Lord along with our brethren during the visit of our missionaries Gary and Pat Johnson and the SOME Team. It was very nice to share wonderful moments with them at church and also in our home.
Missionary Gary told us about life and his work in Kenya. It was really great for us here in Chile to know about it, as we generally do not value basic things like water, for example, that it is something so vital and difficult to get in Kenya. Missionary Gary also shared, with humility and enthusiasm, a great slide presentation. He and his wife Pat are good people.
The brethren at our Church were so happy and pleased about the SOME Team visit that they did not miss any of the special services we had. We were also happy to know the Johnsons were celebrating 45 years of marriage and service to our Lord, being an example as a couple and Christian friends. Also Deborah Faucette and Rebekah Bjur were a nice blessing as they participated with special numbers in song and flute for the occasion and for worshipping our Lord.
Praise God for the camp held at Lluta Valley on July 10-13. Our three children joined Janeth for their first time at camp. Also, some other young members of our church participated: Javiera Salinas, Gionna Sepulveda, Gabriel Diaz and Benjamin Oviedo, who learned about God’s Word.
The JUCIAL (Young People’s) Congress in Arica was held July 20-22, with youth coming from Chile, Perú, Mexico and Brazil. Our church ladies, along with my wife Janeth, were in charge of the kitchen and our van was of great help taking the visitors to and from the airport and for city tours. We also had Pastor Juan Farias staying with us. It was a month full of activities, but of great joy in being helpful to our Lord.
On August 19 we celebrated Children’s Day. There were games, a study of God’s Word, and Janeth made special presents for each of the children, who were really happy to get them. These children always attend the Sunday school.
While we were at the Congress in July, we were informed that some burglars had tried to break into the Berea Church. Thanks to God they only broke the wall and a window. There were bloodstains, probably because of the broken glass. It is strange as they did not steal any valuable things such as the piano. We ask for your prayers for protection.
We are also very happy because Mrs. Dinka Saavedra and her two children joined our church and are attending the Sunday School. The younger child is 7 and the elder is 14 years old. We ask for your prayers for them.
Please Pray for the Following:
- Our daughter, Ruth Meylí, has turned fourteen and has had a problem in one of her eyes. We took her to an ophthalmologist, and she is now improving. She felt sad because of the redness of her eye.
- For Jonathan’s trip to the Presbytery in Concepción (8th Region) from October 12-15.
“Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 16:10
Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support.
Your Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Rev. Jonathan, Janeth, Ruth Meyli,
Jonathan Edward and Melissa Jara