A Summer ’13 Brazil Report

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

May the Lord bless you for all your prayers and gifts of support, while we are working here in Brazil. We thank and glorify God that He strengthened us to do His work in this land.

Looking back since our last letter, we were able to finish many mission works in Brazil. So we don’t know how to thank God because He has blessed us with so much that we are enabled to do His work. And God gave us a good response every time to our prayers for what we needed in order to accomplish His work. Always, God has prepared some people to help us so that we were enabled. Therefore we also believe, without a doubt, that He has worked through you with us in the background as co-workers.

Recent News of What and How God has Done is as Follows:

  1. The extension work of the Castainho church | The inauguration ceremony of the Castainho Fundamental Presbyterian Church building will be held on the evening of July 27. We invited Rev. Ji Gak Pang, who is a senior pastor of the Hyo Shin Bible Presbyterian Church in New York, as a preacher at the ceremony. After we finish the ceremony at the Castainho church we will baptize the new members who were evangelized by the children of the Bethesda nursery. We are praying to God that He will help us and that the Holy Spirit will impress them who are living at the Castainho village to accept the Gospel and become Christians.
  2. The Agua Branca church building construction will be finished soon | We thank God that He helped us to continue the construction work without any problems for the Agua Branca Church building even through a drought. We have scheduled the date for the inauguration ceremony on August 24 at 5:30p.m. We will invite the donors who are living in Seoul, Korea to the inauguration ceremony. They donated all the money to complete this church building construction. We had already explained in last prayer letter of April about the donor in Korea. They are not rich people. The woman is the president of New Life Saver Home. They are giving Care and Medical treatment for physically-challenged seniors, the same as hospice care. But she donated all the money offerings (congratulatory gifts) for her son’s wedding with a mission mind to the Agua Branca church building construction.
  3. The Sitio Boi do Brito church construction | Finally, God gave us land to construct the Sitio Boi do Brito Church in Tabira, Northeast Brazil. A member of the Sitio Apertado Fundamental Presbyterian Church donated a large property to construct the Sitio Boi do Brito church building. So far we are praying for God to send us a good donor for the construction of the church building. We need more than forty thousand U.S Dollars to build the church building. The Boi do Brito church members are worshipping in a small garage, so they urgently need a chapel in order to worship freely on Sunday.

In Christ,

Rev. and Mrs. Woo Sun and Sook Ja K