June, 2014
Dearest Co-Laborers,
“By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips confessing to His name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:15, 16
The Bible Study at River Commons has grown with magnetic influences by the Holy Spirit and the faithfulness of Biblical focus by Rev. Brevick, my Pastor. I request the Scripture text and laboriously do the footwork with a tender caring spirit. Residents often join me with prayer and study in my apartment; where is kindled a fervor and love in bonding our spirits individually with the sovereign Three-in-One. It is also my daily habit to spread His encouragements in the hallways, lounge areas, dining room, elevator and surely everywhere else.
One of my highlights every week is observing the smiling and so-satisfied facial expressions of the Friday morning (10 a.m. for those of you who would pray as we begin) Bible Study participants. When one considers that we have two 100-year olds, and many in their 80’s and 90’s it is surely a blessing to see them absolutely focused in – reading God’s Word and interacting with questions and remarks during and after each study. Philippians 4: 8, 9 come so often to my mind… what more wonderful “things” to be continually “thinking on”?
The first picture on the left: John, Issabella, Connie and myself (Connie ended her journey here joyfully with a glorious home-going); Middle picture is a portion of the Bible Study group. Anna (the 2nd from the right in the middle row) sat at my dining table; last Friday she moved to another table. She told the “table-assigners” that I annoyed and bored her because I always talked concerning our Creator (thinking of Hebrews 13:15, 16). Imagine that – yet she came to the Bible Study later that very day. Please, pray for me to know how to approach Anna. Picture on the right: The number of residents at River Commons fluctuates around 115. This is another portion of the Bible Study group, which now has a regular attendance of 25-plus. Praise God!
There are not enough words nor can I “pen” them sufficiently to thank-you, my faithful supporters, for the privilege to continue extending this call to “our” mission field! If it were not for the sure, infallible statement that “God is well pleased with such sacrifices” surely we might all faint. However He, and the Holy Spirit continue to enable, encourage and convict us together not to grow weary in so doing.
My Love Be With You.
In Christ Jesus,
Ruth S. Gross