The Durands on furlough in the U.S.A. in early 2014
“First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child. Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, In His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows. Let me say I am here, (1) By God’s appointment, (2) In His keeping, (3) Under His training, (4) For His time.” (Andrew Murray)
“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
Isn’t that the truth! We know not what we do! When I sin, when I fail to love in the way in which our Lord commands in His Word, when I act or believe in ignorance of His Word, when I act without faith, when my motive is not right, when I fail to be like Christ, when I transgress His perfect holy law, when I speak an unkind word or use an inappropriate tone, or judge incorrectly or incompletely, decide hastily, or in any other way fall short of my Lord’s requirement, I know not what I am doing! “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23.) And, oh, how it hurts others . . . how its effects endure . . . how it leavens the world around me . . . how I need forgiveness, even for my sins of ignorance, my well-meaning sins, my mistaken thoughts, all my offenses before our God who is love.
Oh, I must sing praises to His sovereign grace! Thank you, Lord, for your provision in Christ’s redeeming submission! Father, forgive me. Father, forgive them. The injury runs deep. A sword has pierced Him for our sin, and pierced our own soul also, who love Him and have beheld His beauty in the Word of God. How it must have pierced His soul when He walked upon the earth, when He prayed in agony, when He hung upon the cross. The perfect Son came to know what it was to have His Father’s loving eyes turn away from Him, even if only for a moment! Oh, my Lord, forgive us.
“Why have you chosen me, out of millions your child to be? You know all the wrong that I’ve done. How could you pardon me, forgive my iniquity, and save me in Jesus your Son?
“Oh, Lord, let me be what You want me to be! Your Word I will strive to obey! My life I now give, for You I will live, and walk by your side all the way.” (Lyrics by unknown author)
What Has Been Happening?
In Chile:
- Leory (Theology student) preaches every other Lord’s day
- Luis (Greek student) pastors the “New Jerusalem” church and is director and a professor of the seminary in Chillán
- David (Greek student) pastors the IFPB in Iquique
- Guillermo and Valeria (Theology students) teach SS regularly
- Juan (Logic student) preaches regularly
- Richard (Elder training) teaches and preaches constantly
- Marcelo and José (Elders of the IFPB in Chiguayante) preach and teach regularly
- Edison (Member of the IFPB in Chiguayante and Logic student) preaches and teaches regularly
- Elena (Theology student) teaches regularly
- Yimmy (Theology student) preaches and teaches regularly and is President of the Presbytery
- Nelson (Theology student) is an Elder of the “Redeemer” church
- Pamela (Theology student) teaches regularly
- These are some to whom we have ministered, of whose activities during the past year we have been somewhat aware. Please pray for these young people (some are a little older) and our other former students and hearers in Chile.
In the U.S.A.:
Praise the Lord for our safety as we drove about 16,000 miles around the U.S. this year. It was wonderful to visit with so many who support us and who pray for us as we serve Christ. We are sorry we were not able to see all of you. What a blessing to be informed of constant, sometimes daily prayers for our family and work, sometimes by beloved servants of our Lord whom we were meeting for the first time! We are thankful for the many opportunities to preach God’s Word, and know it will not return unto Him void. We are thankful for the many new friends we have made as we have traveled, and we thank the Lord for your friendship and interest in our ministry.
More praises to the Lord for:
- John-Baptiste Navarre Durand, 9 lbs., 9 oz. 21-1/2” born at 8:56 a.m. Monday June 30th! He has been very popular with everyone he has met since then.
- A new alternator and a/c repair in time for our second big circle. Praise the Lord our battery never got wiped out far from our Lord’s servants with a pair of jumper cables.
Please pray for:
- John-Baptiste, who has been gaining weight very slowly.
- Our family and many new Christian friends in Colombia, from whence we are writing this letter, preparing to return to Chile Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, November 4-5th. We are busy encouraging and exhorting all with whom we meet here to faith and repentance, and doing what we can to lead them in our Lord’s ways; distributing good literature too.
- Our reintegration into Chile, evangelism, service, and outreach ministries.
- Pastor Coleman, as he travels to Chile, and the FBPC presbytery in Chile as they meet October 31st, November 1st and 2nd.
- Our shipment from Greenville, SC, to Chile, yet to be fully arranged and dispatched, including many books, Bibles, other ministry materials, and personal items; particularly for a smooth reception in Chile (that there would be no significant problems receiving these through customs).
- Sale of our 12-passenger van (a Ford E-350), which has been wonderful for our use this year.
- Sale of our 2007 RV trailer. I will be sad to see this beauty go. It has been a blessing.
- Our transportation need in Chile (we think we could use a Ford F150 or Ranger or a Toyota pickup truck; at the moment we will only have a five-passenger Mitsubishi for our use when we return).
College Fund
Pray for Geneva and Isaiah who have begun their college careers, studying with Whitefield College in a dual enrollment program. Praise the Lord, both did very well on their SAT exams, and have already passed tests to earn college credit for four courses each. A College Fund has been set up to help with college expenses. If you would like to contribute to it you may send a gift to the IBPFM marked specifically for the Durands’ College Fund. A special thank you to all our donors as well as to those who have already given to help specifically with education.
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, we wish to extend our thanksgiving to each of you who have given and pray for us. Thank you very much, and we thank the Lord for you. We thank the Lord for His provisions, which are above and beyond that which is essential.
We would also request that you, when donating a large gift of over $50.00 for our support, ask the Board to distribute the funds over several months, such as, the next 12 months. This would be an additional help to us. Thanks!
Some Encouraging Truths
“. . . but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” I Sam. 30:6
A precious little girl was very ill, near to death, when her loving father sought our Lord’s intervention to restore her to health, but she died. Was all hope gone? No. Our Master told him, Only believe. A very dear brother was near to dying when his faithful sisters sought the assistance of their loving heavenly Friend, but he died while Jesus tarried. Was there nothing more to be done? He said to Martha, “he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” A dear servant of Christ at Joppa took ill and died, having been full of good works. Could her believing friends despair? No. Peter was near and she would live again. A weeping mother accompanied the coffin of her only son, when our Lord happened to be on the same route.
Each of these lives appeared to have reached their earthly end; each of these situations seemed hopeless from a human perspective. Was there no hope of deliverance? Could there be no resolution? Perhaps only the Lord knew that there would be a dramatic reversal in each of these cases. But in each case, the end was not yet. Into each of these gloomy scenes the sun shone brightly and the seemingly impossible came to be! Our Lord is the Resurrection and the Life. He is our Hope and Salvation. He has a perfect plan and He shall be satisfied, and glorified. His will shall be done, and our Redeemer shall lift each of His own out of the miry clay.
Yours in Christian Love,
The Durand family
Paul and Cheryl, Geneva, Isaiah, Josiah, Anna, Sarah Grace, Katie, Faith, and John-Baptiste