It is overwhelming to me that HE has called me to be involved with the salvation of HIS chosen, HIS elect; that we are called to do so together. Therein HE has enabled us to purpose to achieve our “chief end” to glorify and enjoy HIM forever.
There are some faces pictured below, but I will encourage you by reporting we are averaging 17 weekly at our Bible Study, led by Pastor Arnold Brevick. The ones pictured are: Claudine, a retired British Naval Officer; Rhonda; Patti; Lois; “Little Flo; Gloria, with the curly hair; and Al. All seven are witnessing, born again believers.
Not pictured, because of the restrictions of my camera to focus in the room we have assigned for Bible Study, are: Ruthie; June; Bea; Isobel; Dave; Corrine; C.D. Danielson; Anna, 102 yr’s old; and Lee.
Each of these listed have their very own special witness. Many of these have made their profession of faith here on these mission fields; some have moved due to health issues, and some have passed this life for the place prepared for by their Savior. All of these are wonderful souls who have been encouraged, and built up in their faith which is completed in Christ, their All-in-All.
His Redeemed, Forever I Am,
Ruth S. Gross
Retired Missionary to Kenya
Serving in Florida