Greetings to Supporters and Friends,
“…nevertheless I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” I Timothy 1:12, 13
It is said that time flies when you are having fun. We are finding time is flying by very quickly, as we look forward to something, and then it is past! More and more we realize that we must be busy, today, for the Lord, and not be putting things off until tomorrow.
The SOME teams have been so important to us, for over 35 years, and they fly by too! This year we did not go to Kenya, but we were busy trying to help from here with planning and keeping in contact with the fellows there. For example, they had to clean the house (including eliminating 140 rodents beforehand), did yard work, and tried to ready all things for the team: Bonnie Leithmann (team leader), Pastor Jim Blizzard and Katelyn Lain (both from the Lakeland Bible Presbyterian Church). The team was a great blessing to the pastors, as well as the students in the Bethel Bible & Technical Schools, and also in the local public schools. Many calls went back and forth from WV to Kenya. One phone call announced there were 50 people sitting in the front yard there watching Christian videos. A few nights later a call said there were about 200 watching the Bob Jones film, “Beyond the Night.” What a blessing to know His work still carries on.
.Gary wanted to send shoes for the pastors. We were given several pairs, and bought a few more, then had to pack them all (16 pairs of shoes, shoe polish, some sermon notes for pastors, and vitamins for a missionary couple). A couple in the church here asked how we would get them to Kenya. Well, Bonnie will take the container, but the cost would be $200 additional. This couple graciously paid to have it sent to Kenya! Praise the Lord. The pastors now have good shoes, and one pastor even got two pairs because his feet are bigger, and no one else could wear them! Juma and Daniel (pictured right) were trying on shoes, and rejoicing that they now have “happy feet!” Thanks is also extended to the one who contributed to the purchasing of a new printer for the Bethel Bible School.
Pastors were also given Bible story visual aids in wood. These lessons, such as Moses and the Ten Commandments, were made by the Wood Workers 4 Missions. They will use these to teach Sunday school lessons, and also in public schools. The WW4M send these stories to many countries of the world.
Spending our summer stateside has been different for us. Gary has had several doctors’ appointments and his breathing at times has been difficult. He was diagnosed with IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis), for which there is no cure. But, he was told to keep moving and so he does!
We helped the church with a hot dog picnic the Sunday evening before VBS. The children and adults had fun eating, fellowshipping, and with water games. There was an average attendance of 50 children each night for VBS. Pat and Linda taught the 3rd to 5th grade class, as Gary and Gabe watched the kids going to and from crafts, games, and snacks.
We do have a matter of prayerful consideration to bring to our friends and supporters. Normally we are quite reserved to ask for help, and truly the Lord has supplied the needs for the ministry in a wonderful way. Some of you are acquainted with the work of the ICCC (International Council of Christian Churches), which has fundamental Bible-believing Christians from many countries of the world in its membership. The next World Congress will be January 22-29, 2020, in Puerto Montt, Chile. These meetings will encourage pastors and congregations, pass resolutions on different topics related to the Christian life, and are an outreach ministry to the world. We will have opportunities to speak in some of the local churches in the south of Chile, in the beautiful city of Puerto Montt. There will also be a day for sightseeing. It is so important that two of the Kenyan nationals we have trained and worked with for over 20 years, to be able to have a part in this great meeting in January. They have been asked to speak in these meetings, on Biblical topics, and will be an encouragement to other pastors and believers who will attend. Pastor James Mwangangi and Pastor Daniel Mwendwa would really like to be present, but do not have the finances for airfare from Kenya to Chile, as well as to pay for their meals and lodging there. Some funds have come in, for which we praise the Lord! We are praying that we will also be able to attend, and to be of service there. God is able to provide for all these needs.
“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” II Timothy 2:2
A precious part of our ministry has been to befriend Mrs. Virginia Cadd,
and pick her up most Sundays for church. She is a faithful lady, so sweet, and
gives God the glory for all He has done. The church just had a birthday luncheon for her, for her 100th birthday (pictured right).
As we close, we wish to thank each one of you for your faithful prayers, concerns, and support. And although we cannot thank you enough, we do however ask the Lord to bless you, beyond measure, for sharing with us in His work here, in Kenya, and around the world.
Sincerely, in His service,
The Johnsons