November 2019
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:20
Dear Prayer Partners, Supporters, and Friends,
As we look forward to Thanksgiving and then Christmas, we think of the many blessings that God has given us. YOU are among those that we are thankful for! We are so thankful for the many people who pray for us on a regular basis, for without your prayers we do not think we could continue. Your support and gifts mean that we are able to continue in the ministry, distribute tracts, and share in the ministry that God has given us! We would never be able to thank you enough, but we do ask the Lord to give you many blessings, in this season, and in the year to come.
Gary is doing well with the pulmonary fibrosis. His latest exam was better than the one three months ago. Thank you for praying. Pat has been having a lot of back pain, resulting in tests, and is scheduled for surgery on November 12th. She is told it will be a six week recovery period, so please pray that the surgery goes well and the recovery will be quick and complete.
A recent call from Daniel Mwinzi, in Kenya, said that he is doing very well from his cancer and is able to carry on normally now. He also said that the rains have started and are going on well, so he and others have planted their gardens and also sunflower seeds (provided by the government). Pray with us that they will all have a bountiful garden harvest as it has been a long time since their gardens have produced.
The ministries here are continuing, with Gary leading the Tuesday night Bible study at Putney Memorial Church, and helping in visitation for the church and in our community. God is so good to give us many opportunities to serve Him. Pat continues with the Bible study at church, and also is teaching the mission story at the Good News Club on Thursdays. The kids there are such a blessing! A first-grader was coming to GNC, then to Sunday School, and recently brought her parents and little brother to Friend Day at the church! She is such a sweet child, always smiling and polite. Her parents say they want to come back to church. Pray that they might come and join the family of God.
We do want to say a big Thank You also for those of you who have given so that our two Kenyan pastors (James Mwangangi and Daniel Mwendwa) will be able to attend the ICCC in Chile this January. We have been able to purchase their tickets, but do not yet have funds for their VISAs, lodging, and food during the Congress. The meals will be served daily for $16.00 per person. We also lack some funds for our tickets and stay there. Pray with us that the Lord will supply these needs. We all look forward to wonderful messages and fellowship with many believers from around the world.
Our sincere thanks to each of you during this Thanksgiving time! May we all rejoice in the many blessings we receive from the Lord. Then, as Christmas comes may we also remember the greatest gift of all!
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:14
May God bless you during the holiday season, and also give you a Blessed and Happy New Year!
Sincerely, in His service,

The Johnsons
P.S. Your tax-deductible contributions for the ICCC Congress in Chile should be marked ICCC Kenya Pastors or ICCC Johnsons. We thank you for your kind consideration.

Pastors James Mwangangi (left) and Daniel Mwendwa (right) with his grandmother.