November 2019
Dear Co-Laborers in the Lord,
Greetings from East Africa in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It has been quite a long time since our last letter. We trust that you are well in the Lord. By the grace of God through your prayers, we are well and serving the Lord. We will share with you the things that God has done recently.
Bible College of East Africa Continues to Grow by His Grace
This academic term began with 82 students in Kenya, 20 in Tanzania, and 65 in Rwanda. Due to a number of reasons (finances, family issues, etc.) several students discontinued their studies. Of special concern is one Congolese student on our Rwanda campus who was unable to return due to civil unrest at the border. The homes of his family and the family of his BCEA classmate were burned down in the midst of the violent conflict. We do ask for your prayers for him and for all of our students – for their safety, for God’s special grace during their training, and for their future ministries.
Alumni Conference evening session
In August, the BCEA Alumni Association held its 7th Alumni Conference (pictured above) at the Nairobi campus. About 80 alumni took a few days away from their ministries and gathered for a time of fellowship at their alma mater. The theme of this year’s conference was “Preach the Word” (2 Tim. 4:2). For five days and four nights, we were blessed as the Word was taught by BCEA faculty and alumni, and news was shared of what God has done in and through the ministries of those who have gone through BCEA. We ask for your continued prayer for BCEA graduates. May they hold to the Word as they serve Him faithfully and be used mightily as precious instruments for the progress of the Gospel.
Library Books Arrived Safely at BCEA-Rwanda – Thanks to Your Prayers
Our book drive for the library began in May, and the books which God gathered so rapidly have already arrived on the BCEA campus in Kigali. We praise God for the great work He has done in just four months and for bringing all 12,000 books safely from the USA to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and across the border into Rwanda through various customs points. The books so generously sent by Far Eastern Bible College in Singapore have also arrived safely in Kenya, ready to be brought into Rwanda. We praise God for His miraculous provision. As soon as the books are organized and digitized and our facilities upgraded, we will apply for accreditation by the Higher Education Council in Rwanda. This process is imperative for us to operate legally in this country, and to meet the stringent education requirements that pastors now face prior to entering ministry. We ask for your special prayers for the accreditation process to go smoothly.
We are in Urgent Need of your Prayers
Without the assistance that God provides through your prayers, we are unable to accomplish even the smallest of plans. Only prayer makes possible all things – whether those things that can be explained or even those things that cannot be explained with words. We do ask for your continued prayer for the ministry of BCEA. May He lead many who are called and faithful to this place, and may they use their time here to be equipped as effective ministers of the Gospel. We praise God for continued prayer and support, and pray alongside you that He will provide for all your needs.
In the bond of Christ,
Kyung Soo (Mark) Kim and Hang Sook (Hannah) Rhee