November 2019
A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
Dear Prayer Friends and Supporters,
Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you for all your prayers and support as we labor here in Brazil. Nowadays, we need your prayers for Brazil because the political situation and the economy are not yet stabilized. That’s why businesses are struggling along with the lives of Brazilians themselves. Brazilian churches are passing through a difficult period also.
We have been very busy traveling through Canada during August and September to see our doctors and receive many medical exams. We thank God that the results of these were good, and so we returned to Brazil on October 9. By the grace of God and through your continued prayers and support, we are able to carry on serving Him, the Brazilian churches, seminaries, the Nursery and Illiterate school.
Election of New Elders and Deacons for the Bethesda Korean Church
The Bethesda Korean Presbyterian Church in São Paulo will be electing new Elders and Deacons for the Bethesda church on January 26, 2020. They will be ordained (after training) on September 13, 2020, which will be the 25th anniversary of the Bethesda Korean Presbyterian Church in São Paulo. With this as a momentum, we are praying that this church will be strengthened and become a solid church to aid and accomplish the work of missions here in Brazil.
A Playground Roof at the Bethesda Nursery

As you can see, a colorful roof has been installed over the playground at the Illiterate school back in September. Now all of the school children playing outside can keep out of the hot, strong sunlight. They are very happy now. The next project is a roof for the Bethesda Nursery, which is also located on the equator and the sunlight is very strong. Up to this point the Nursery children could not play on the playground without a roof. We understood this situation and saw a real need for a playground roof for the Nursery. So we started with prayer that God will provide to help us to raise the needed expenses for this playground roof at the Bethesda Nursery. The amount needed is $5,000.00.
In Christ,

Rev. Woo Sun & Mrs. Sook Ja Kim