November 2019
And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Luke 14:23
Dear Friends,
We are given the command to preach the gospel to every creature in the highways and hedges. In general, this would be evangelizing strangers. One of the best ways to do this is with tracts. There are many that we come in contact with for only for a couple of minutes, yet we can give a complete gospel presentation to them by way of tracts. This is a very Presbyterian way to witness, with no pressure whatsoever, letting the Holy Spirit work through the means of the printed word. Of course, if we have the opportunity we also should give a verbal witness; but a tract will open the door for this as well.
We just sent another 3,000 tracts to pastors in Cameroon. This is in addition to the 3,000 we sent a couple of months ago that have been already received. Tracts are a great ministry in Africa as the people don`t have much to read in general and they are very open to receive them. Sometimes a disturbance can ensue when giving out tracts as people come running to get them. This is one main way to evangelize in general along with showing Christian films especially in the villages. We have also given out video projectors to pastors so they can evangelize.
Praise the Lord, it appears that six brethren from Cameroon are planning on coming to the ICCC Congress in January. Lord willing, Ken will translate a message for one pastor from French to English.
Our tickets have been purchased to stop in Brazil for a week on our way to the ICCC Congress in Chile, and for an additional week on the way back to the USA. This will not only break up our trip, but it will give an opportunity for ministry in Brazil. We plan to both mail and personally give out an edition of our newspaper, The Fundamentalist. The last two editions were not able to be sent out due to problems in distribution. Hopefully, that will be ironed out soon. We also will have opportunities to visit friends, relatives, and churches while in Brazil.
Also, we are helping a friend from Brazil to be able to attend the Congress in Chile. He already has attended the Congresses in Serra Negra and Recife, Brazil.
United States
Ken continues to minister at the Bible Presbyterian Church in Marcus Hook, PA, preaching one Sunday a month and quarterly serving communion on a second Sunday. He has been preaching through the book of II Kings. Our ministry also includes preaching at a nursing-home once a month along with a monthly door-to-door visitation.
Ken has also started preaching once a month at Pilgrim Presbyterian Bible Church in Kingsville, MD, and serving as the moderator of the congregation. We are likewise thankful for the opportunity to preach in Collingswood, NJ for two Sundays, while the pastor was away.
Ken still teaches his Bible study at the Delaware State prison in Smyrna. This is Delaware’s prison for those serving longer sentences; some of those Ken ministers to have been there for 40 years. The Bible study is on the book of Proverbs, with its practical guide for living.
Lastly, we went to our Faith Presbytery meeting the end of September in Charlotte, NC. Ken was able to participate in the ordination of Brad Gsell to the gospel ministry.
Preparation continues for the International Council of Christian Churches (ICCC) World Congress in Chile, January 22-29. There should be a good delegation of Christians attending from all over the world. We were able to attend a couple of sessions of the American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC) fall Congress in Carlisle, PA. The General Secretary of the ACCC will be going to Chile and giving a message at the Congress.

We would ask you to pray for the country of Chile as it is undergoing a period of social unrest. It is rumored that the socialists and communists have been pushing for the demonstrations. Chile has already cancelled two international congresses that were scheduled for November and December. Kindly pray that quiet would return to the nation soon and that there would be no problems holding our ICCC Congress as scheduled.
Finally, Ken is singing in the Delaware Choral Society’s Christmas concert in Dover. They are singing practically all sacred music at this concert. Last year he sang in Haydn’s “The Creation” and in the spring hopes to sing in Mendelssohn’s “Elijah.” All of Ken’s family were in the area for his nephew’s wedding in October. Luke is going into the US Army as a nurse on November 18. He is following in Ira’s father’s footsteps, who was a nurse in the Brazilian army.
Thank you once again for all your prayers and support.
In His Service,

Ken and Ira Olson