Dear Supporters, Friends and Family,
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is constantly with us. As He has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
I know it has been a very long time since I have written. With the arrival of the coronavirus I settled into seclusion day after day. However, I found enjoyment with my hobby: collecting, sorting and preparing stamps for an album. To be honest with you, I didn’t mind the fact that we had to be quarantined as I kept myself busy. But, as the days lengthened into weeks, and the weeks into months, it was not so fun staying home and not being able to go out. Beth and Isaac were the ones who did the errands and shopping.
As you well know, the churches also closed. At first it meant I did not need to get up on Sunday morning so early. Soon however, I began to miss seeing the church folks and meeting together. It felt like such a long time before the church was able to re-open with many rules and regulations, which are still carried out even now. The church I attend is a little Southern Baptist Church that still preaches the Word of God, and uses hymns that I grew up with. The hymns are refreshing and meaningful, that it makes me feel so much at home.
During the shut-down we saw the grandchildren two or three times a week when their parents work schedules over-lapped. It was good to see them and have them around. Thankfully, the schools re-opened in August. Now there are three in school: Gordon (4th grade), Kornari (1st grade), and little Tala (Pre-kindergarten). It has been reported that not all students in our area returned to the class room. Some are being home-schooled, and others are doing virtual-studies.
We have had lots of rain this summer which has made the grass and flowers so beautiful. It also means mowing the grass more often! We have not been hit by big storms so far, just rain. Sitting inside with the air-conditioning, I have not noticed the humidity. I’m sure we had many days with high humidity, making it unbearable.
During the past weeks the United Arabs Emirates has been in the news. Please, let us not forget to remember the Word that was given out to the many patients we had in the Sarah Hosman Hospital in that area. Let us claim God’s promise that His Word will not return to Him void, but bring forth fruit unto life eternal.
Last but not least, I am very grateful for the continued loyal support of those who have given so faithfully over the years. I am so appreciative for each of you. May the Lord bless and reward you for your faithfulness. May He meet your needs even as you have given to others.
Sincerely in Him,

Joan Davenport