
Dear Friends in Christ,

As we begin a new year there are many things of this past year we would like to forget, such as any illnesses, the pandemic, and perhaps things that we did not enjoy going through. But we must remember God’s graciousness to us each and every day.

Remember? Do you remember 19 years ago as we were praying for Joel Musee? Perhaps you do not recall the name, but he was the young man from Kenya with a very large tumor on his jaw. Gary brought him to the States and Dr. Randy Robinson from Denver did the surgery that he might live. God has been good to Joel, and in early January he was married to Lydia. What a beautiful day for them! Pray that they might serve the Lord together. Also pray for Dr. Robinson as he is presently battling cancer.

Often times in the past we have worked in developing projects for the Kenyans to be a part of, to aid them in becoming self-supporting. Last month a team from Japan visited our area with a “chicken project”. There was an initial meeting held at the Bible School (pictured right) for those who were interested. This project (how to raise chickens to sell) may be of real financial benefit to many of the families.

Looking ahead can also be frightening, but knowing that God is in control and calms our hearts. A SOME team is being organized for this coming June/July. Many plans are already in motion, but we know the Lord must open and/or close the right doors, all according to His will. There are many logistical items to deal with for the five traveling from the States (Bonnie Leithman leading the team), and an additional 10 going from Chile (under the leadership of Becky Rodriguez). There is coordinating dates and times, where to stay on arrival and departure from Kenya, travel in town for food and supplies, car insurance so we can use our car, and much more. What classes will the team be teaching, what churches to visit, who will preach and where, along with who will give testimonies in churches and schools, are all items to deal with. And then there is always maintenance to do, painting, and school desks to repair.

A new challenge the team faces is that they need a negative Covid test three days before we leave the USA and three days before we leave Kenya. Presently the tests are $100 per person in Kenya. Pray with us that the Lord will open the doors and provide every need for the team members. Pray also for hearts to be prepared to receive the Gospel and grown in grace.
Thinking of the Isovya property, some of the water tanks are in great need of repair. Water is a must for drinking, washing dishes, taking showers, and general cleaning. A local workman is willing to do the repairs, at a reasonable cost of $350. Would you like to help us? Also, our water purifiers need new filters for the drinking water, and those are $50 per filter. We will need six of them for the team, which comes to $300.

In looking forward we can remember I Thessalonians 5:18, 24 “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you… Faithful is he that called you, who also will do it.” Thank you for being a part of His work by prayers, faithful support, and also the gifts of help.

Yours in His love and service,

The Johnsons