Dear Friends,
We have been seeing the fulfillment of prophecy with the deceptions of the election and other events such as the capital of Israel moving to Jerusalem. Praise the Lord, however, that He is in control and working His will in all things. God turns the heart of the king where He will. Let us pray that God would be gracious unto us and bring to naught the current machinations of the wicked. Let us also not give up working for righteousness, as it is our duty at all times, and may God be pleased to give us some respite from the downward slide toward the end.
We were finally able to succeed in sending two boxes of books to the seminary in Cameroon. The first box arrived but has not yet been picked up. Here is a picture of the books in the second box. They include Buswell’s Systematic Theology, Machen’s Greek, Pink’s Sovereignty of God, Trinitarian Greek NT, and other books, tracts, and pamphlets.
We also received news from Cameroon (EPCO) that all the churches are now holding services; some of them had been closed because of Covid. The seminary now has 20 students, but is suffering from a shortage of teachers and finances. A big event happened at their General Assembly this January as they elected a new General Secretary, which is a step in the right direction.
Some good news from Brazil is that churches from Uruguay, Paraguay, and Ecuador have joined the Fundamentalist Presbyterian Church of Brazil and have formed the Hispanic Presbytery. The leader from Uruguay attended the ICCC in Chile last year.
We plan to send out another edition of The Fundamentalist in March, in keeping with our current schedule of sending two per year. Here is a page from the last edition.
We are continuing a preaching schedule, once or twice a month in each of the BP churches of Kingsville and Marcus Hook. The series in Revelation is ongoing. We were also able to participate in the annual Veterans Day Parade ministry of the Marcus Hook church. It was a great witness as hundreds of packets of tracts and literature were given out. Continue to pray for a man named Skip, from Marcus Hook, who has terminal cancer. The Kingsville church is preparing to host the March Faith Presbytery meeting.
We also did a missions presentation in the Collingswood church in November, and participated in an anti-abortion march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 22 (anniversary of Roe vs. Wade). The Bible studies in the Delaware prison remain closed.
Praise the Lord all of our children and their families were able to be with us for the holidays. Thanks again for all of your prayers and support that help make this ministry possible.
In His Service,

Ken and Ira Olson