Ministering for the Lord in Brazil

  Ministering for the Lord in Brazil

 June, 2021

“The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” Psalms 41:3

Dear Prayer Friends and Supporters,

            Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you for all your prayers and gifts of support, while we are working in Brazil (from Canada). As you know, last year brought about many unexpected changes and reversals in life and ministry. Yet, as God’s decisions are good in His sight, we know that they must be good in ours, as well. Therefore, we offer our prayers of thanks to our Heavenly Father and trust Him that what He is doing is right and best.

            One of the first changes experienced was a return to stricter Covid-19 limitations. Those infected with Covid-19 and those who have died from this virus show us how limited medical sciences are, even among the advanced nations of the world. So, we share the words of the Psalmist at the beginning of our letter. We should be mindful of how we live in this pandemic, as the people of God.

            The second change to our ministry in Brazil was the temporary suspension of our in-country work because of the coronavirus. The Bethesda Korean Presbyterian Church in São Paulo had to stop all worship services, as did all churches in Brazil. This resulted in a decrease in church offerings, which affected many of the mission ministries in Brazil.

            Now, we want to share with you a few events from March to the present time. God continues to work through us to accomplish His purposes in Brazil, even during a pandemic.

1. Second Castainho Church Construction

            We have steadily prayed about the construction of a second Castainho Brazil Presbyterian Church building.  At this point the work is going well, without any financial problems, by the grace of God. As you can see in the photo, most of this work will be finished soon, including the painting inside and outside.  Also, glass will have to be installed in the church windows. The final construction expenses were donated by Rev. and Mrs. Kim’s family and deacon Joon Hyung Park’s family of the Bethesda Korean Presbyterian Church, and deacon Joong Ky Lee, who is living in U.S.A.

2. Rev. Choon Geun Choi Had Covid-19

            The Bethesda Korean Presbyterian Church in São Paulo had a time of difficulty with its pastor contracting the coronavirus, and had to be hospitalized for a number of weeks. We thank God that pastor Choi was discharged from the hospital the last week of May, and will undergo physical therapy at his home. We were concerned, and prayed hard, because he has only one kidney. If you remember, he received a transplanted kidney two years ago from his wife. Also, a deacon and deaconess family was infected with the coronavirus. Still, our Heavenly Father kept them and healed them during their hospitalization. These brethren will soon be released.

3. Praying to Return to Brazil

            As you know, we want to go back to Brazil as soon as possible because there are many things waiting for us. We have been able to accomplish some ministry from here in Canada through computer meetings, e-mail, and telephone. But other ministries we cannot entrust to others in Brazil. Therefore some ministries have been suspended until we return. Please pray that we will know when it is God’s will for us to return, safely, to Brazil.

                                                                                                            In Christ,

                                                                                                            Rev. Woo Sun & Mrs. Sook Ja Kim