Missionary Correspondence from the Bjurs

February, 2024

Strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness. Colossians 1:11

Dear Friends and Brethren,

            After a most unusual year of travels to and from Chile, we are now, by the grace of God, back in Chile. It was such a blessing during the months of November and December to see a number of our friends, family members, and supporting churches. The Lord’s hand kept us over many miles of travel. Now, back home, we are aware of our need for much prayer to be “filled with the knowledge of His will in ALL wisdom and spiritual understanding (Col. 1:9), to “walk worthy of the Lord unto ALL pleasing being fruitful in EVERY good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. (Col. 1:10), “strengthened with ALL might… unto ALL patience and longsuffering with joyfulness” (Col. 1:11). We desire, by God´s grace this term to do more, to be more faithful, supported by your prayers and relying on God’s strength.

            Thanks to the Lord is also offered for a wonderful three weeks in Arizona with Melody’s parents. We were able to have a Spanish service in their church and be a blessing there. Debbie joined us for her Christmas vacation, Becky and Jake drove in from California, and Jeremy and Daniella flew in from North Carolina to spend Christmas with us as well. (Poor Joshua had to work and was unable to come.)  

            Not only did we enjoy Christmas together, but we were also able to see God’s beautiful creation in Arizona! We’re so thankful for such a nice time together.

            After New Year’s, we flew back to the Carolinas and said goodbye again to Jeremy and Daniella at the Wilds Christian Camp, then on to Joshua’s in Greenville and to Debbie at BJU (she started her second semester), and finally we headed back to Arica.

            Here in Chile, it is summer, so we are getting used to the heat again! Six young people from our youth group were blessed to attend a Summer Music Course at our Smyrna church in Santiago. We are thankful for these young people who want to train to serve God better.

            While we were in the States, the Lord provided some to lead in our church in Arica. We were thrilled at how the Lord blessed the Christmas program. The theme was “Christ Became Poor for Us.” The young people played a key role in providing beautiful music. There were many visitors who came and heard the gospel, too. We are so thankful for Maritza, Natalia and Francisco, who stepped in to direct and help with the piano.

            We are thankful for Felipe, who led our youth meetings, and his wife, Anna María, a Columbian believer, who headed up our Venezuelan Christmas project to bring gifts to nearly 30 children and groceries for Christmas dinner to ten Venezuelan families to whom we have ministered. The young people helped with assembling and wrapping all the gifts. We are so thankful for this testimony and outreach. And we want to thank so many who gave special offerings to make this project possible.

            Now it’s February, and time for our Summer Vacation Bible School, the 21st through the 26th! This year’s lessons will be around the theme of “Jesus Christ, the Best Friend of the Believer,” from John 15:13-15. We would appreciate your prayers that many children would be reached with the gospel.

            Two of our young ladies will be leaving Arica in March to study in other places; Nathalia will go to Argentina, and Naira to Viña del Mar (Chile). We will greatly miss them as they are spark plugs in our youth group. Pray that they will find good churches and grow spiritually while they are in college. We are so thankful, though, for God’s provision. Ambar, a 19-year-old from the church in Iquique will be coming to live with us while she studies medicine at the University of Arica. She is a lovely Christian girl who wants to serve in our church while she is studying here.

            We are also thankful to the Lord that our son Jeremy was able to come to Chile again in our summer season, with other representatives of the Wilds Christian Camp, to help four of our churches in Chillán with the camp organization, training and counseling instruction as part of the Wilds’ Camp’s abroad program. Speaking of Jeremy, we would appreciate your prayers for he and Daniella as they our expecting their first child and our first GRANDCHILD, a grandson, in March!

            Concerning our ministry to the Venezuelan refugees, several now are leaving or desiring to leave Chile to go back to Venezuela, or other parts, because they cannot make enough money to live on. Please pray for the new believers that they would grow in the Lord. Pray for those who haven’t received Christ yet that they would be saved, and that the Lord’s provision for their many needs will me met in Him.

            We have been burdened for many who are undergoing great health needs. Last year Manuel, his wife Karen, and their children began attending our church. Because of his diagnosis of Leukemia, Manuel came back to the Lord and his wife has received Christ as Savior. They are now in Santiago for advanced treatment. Pray with them and for them. Others in our church are also going through great trials with their health. Also, we’d like to add to your prayer list, Jim’s sister-in-law, Nancy, who has cancer in St. Louis, MO. Thank you for praying together with us.

            Jim turned 65 in December, a reminder that we are not getting younger, and we don’t know how many more years we’ll have here in Chile. We see the great need to prepare workers and wisdom to know how the Lord would want us to do that. We also need God’s strength and wisdom as we continue the ministry to the Venezuelans as well as our Chilean people. Thanks SO much for your prayers!

                                                                                                Much love, in Christ,

                                                                                                                The Bjurs