Missionary Correspondence from the Bjurs

August, 2024

“…That God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever.” I Peter 4:11

Dear Friends and Brethren in Christ,

            In the last few months, it has been exciting to see God working in our young people. It was especially exciting to see young people at our recent Winter Youth Camp, enthusiastically learning how they were “Created with Purpose.” This camp theme was the opposite of what they learn at school. We are NOT accidents or animals, but rather are created, and then redeemed when we trust Christ, for a purpose: to glorify God in all things.

            This year’s camp, like the last few years, was held at our church over a span of four days. Everyone returned to their homes at night, except for those who came from other cities. The male visitors stayed at the church and the female visitors stayed in homes of our church people. Over 70 attended this year; our largest camp ever! It was a blessing to have 10 come from La Paz, Bolivia, seven from Iquique, Josiah Durand who came with another young man from Santiago to help, and Noemí Rubilar, a youth leader from Chillán. Also, some young people from other local churches were invited and joined in.

            All the messages were focused on the fact and purpose of our being created by God. Also, several workshops revolved around the theme “The Key of Creation”, using a DVD by Ken Ham. This was followed by questions and discussion.

            For two days of camp we used a local park and had games, sporting activities, a picnic lunch, messages and devotions. The “God and I Time” focused on the life of Joseph from Genesis.

            We don’t know all that the Lord did in their hearts, but we do know of two who received Christ as Savior during the camp, a 17-year-old girl who had just recently started attending our Saturday night youth meetings, and a 13-year-old Venezuelan girl who was invited to camp for the first time. We are so thankful!

                  The Lord provided for the camp in a wonderful way. Our church people donated much of the food and several special gifts were given, which kept the camp fee very low. As a matter of fact, all who came from other cities attend for free, as well as several young people who could not even afford the $10 charge.

            It is truly wonderful to discover and know your purpose. Each day the young people sang a chorus, “Do All to the Glory of God.” We trust that the Word, sown in hearts during those days of camp, will continue to bring forth fruit as our young people return to school and University classes.

            By God’s grace we continue working with Venezuelan refugees here in Arica. One lady we met over a year ago is Frangelis. She was selling candy outside of a supermarket with her 2-year-old little boy. We gave her a tract and a few dollars as we went into the store. A half hour later when we came out of the store she was still there and reading the tract out loud to her little boy! We talked to her some more and invited her to church. We lost contact with her because she didn’t have a phone, but then one day she showed up at our church and has come from time to time. A few months ago, she started coming more often. Melody taught a “salvation class” to her and several other Venezuelan ladies. However she wasn’t there for the last lesson when Melody finished. A few weeks ago, she asked Melody to come to her house and teach her because she wanted to know God. Her heart was so tender and it was such a thrill to see the moment when she understood that there was nothing she could DO for salvation, that Christ did it all! She immediately bowed her head and asked God to save her. How we thank God for HIS work in hearts.

            Our hearts have been burdened for Venezuela. Many were hoping that the recent elections there would bring change, although the fear of corruption was high. Pray for Venezuela and for the souls there. In May we had three Venezuelan families leave Arica; one to go back to Venezuela and two to go on to the US. We did not want them to leave, but we are thankful that all three mothers of the families did trust Christ as Savior and the children learned about Jesus in our Sunday School. Recently, our concern for these who decide to leave has heightened. This past week, a dear 19-year-old girl, who we’ve known almost since she arrived five years ago, came to ask us to pray for her as she was leaving to go to the US to “start a new life”. We warned her and tried to discourage her, especially since she would be going all by herself. And when they go, they walk, hitch rides, and take buses when they have money. It’s a very dangerous journey.

            Well, her mind was made up and she left on Wednesday night. By Sunday morning she wrote Melody that her journey had been a disaster from the beginning. At the border, Peruvian police had taken her, robbed all her money and sexually abused her! We are thankful the Lord spared her life. She is now back in Arica and came to church with us Sunday night, and we will continue to try and minister to her hurting heart. But such are the dangers these ones face; in their poverty they are taken advantage of by amoral people. How anxious we are for these who the Lord has given us to know and love, that they would come to a saving knowledge of Christ and then grow in Him.  We are also anxious for Christ’s return for His church and later to reign and rule in righteousness on the earth.  Please pray for our continued ministry with Venezuelan refugees while we have the opportunity to reach them for Christ.

            In our May prayer letter, we asked prayer for Manuel, who was in the US undergoing treatment for Leukemia. The treatment did not work and the doctor there gave him two weeks to live. The Lord did a miracle as the Chilean army sent an air-ambulance and brought Manuel home, one day before his visa expired in the US, so that he could see his children and family. About 10 days later, Manuel went into the presence of the Lord. Pray for his family as they are still having a hard time dealing with this loss.

            Also, thank you for praying for our Ladies’ Conference on May 31st. We had about 50 ladies attend from our two churches in Arica, and one church in Iquique.  It was a great blessing!

            Some upcoming events to pray for include our daughter Debbie’s return to BJU for her second year of college, after a summer of service at High Point Christian Camp in Pennsylvania. Pray that the Lord would continue to provide for her university studies.

            Then in September we are anticipating a visit from Melody’s sister and her husband. They have a tremendous ministry in Frederick, MD. We are greatly looking forward to their visit. Also during September, nearly 20 of our older teens and university students will be traveling down South for the annual Youth Conference during Chile’s Independence Days. Please pray for protection in travel and that the Lord will use this conference to help each one grow spiritually.

            Much prayer is also needed for a women’s National Congress to be held here in Arica in November. About 300 are expected to attend. Pray for the many details that still need to be worked out in regards to venue and lodging.

            Our desire is for God in all things to be glorified through Jesus Christ. Thank you for your part in this ministry. Your prayers make things happen!

                                                                                                Your servants for Christ’s sake in Chile,                                                                                                           Jim and Melody Bjurs