September, 2024
O give thanks unto the Lord. for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. Psalm 106:1
Dear friends, family, and brethren,
As I sit at my desk to write this letter, I was thinking about the last prayer letter I wrote, and wondered where did I leave off? As I recall, it was spring, and we continued to have those cold wintery temperatures way into the spring. We wondered when summer was coming. Well, before we knew it, summer was upon us, and it came in with a blast of high temps in the 90s, nearly 100. We were not accustomed to that so early in the year. We broke records with the high temperatures for so many days in a row.
Then school let out for the summer. We planned for the boys to do summer school camp, so they would have something to do. But, only Jesse went. He had his first school bus ride and enjoyed it. He returned home each afternoon with a smile on his face, and was ready to go back the next day. We had no trouble getting him up in the morning. This was for the month of June.
Jumping ahead to the present, I would ask that you continue to pray for us, as the boys are now back in school, which started early this fall. Each boy is in his own school this year. Jess transferred to Nash Elementary, Gordon remains in Junior High (Middle school), while Isaac moved up into High school. Isaac is continuing with Band and I feel that all are doing well. Isaac, who turned 15 last January, was begging his mom to let him get a job so he would have something to do. She resisted until a granddaughter of Johnny (Beth’s husband) came and asked if Isaac could help in the diner where she works. Well, he took the job about the end of June. He seems to like it and is trying to continue to work, and go to school. Thankfully, he does well and is able to get his homework done in school. Now we are back on the school routine, which gives me some hours in the day where I can do things I want to do.
Now, it was the end of June when my sister invited me to go to North Dakota for a visit. Why not? We made the arrangements and I flew first from Texarkana to Dallas, then directly on to Bismarck. Some years ago, during the oil boom, a direct flight was established, which made it very convenient for me. We had a lovely time. My sister was able to take time off from her duties so we could be together. It was a great week. My brother and his wife came over from Minnesota. We gathered at Tim’s house (he’s the brother who lives there in North Dakota). There was good fellowship, and even some talk of having another family reunion in 2025. The question is where to have it, that is centrally located for all of us.
Now for the big news, which I had mentioned to only a few I was writing my life’s story, with some invaluable assistance. I can’t believe that it has taken nearly three years to get it done. The title of the book is, Have Bible, Will Travel. Memoir of Joan Davenport. I was hoping to have another way to make it available to you without me having to mail them out, but it hasn’t happened. So, anyone wanting a book can send me (using my address above) just $20.00/copy and I will see that you receive a book. The cost includes shipping and handling.
In all my excitement about my book, I have not forgotten you who have given so faithfully over the years. I appreciate it very much.
May the Lord bless you, and keep you: may the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Sincerely, in Him,
Joan Davenport