September, 2024
Dear Co-Laborers in the Lord,
Greetings from East Africa in the great and precious Name of our Lord.
In recent days, many things have occurred, and for those who may have heard or read about the grim developments through other channels, we do request your fervent prayer. Despite unspeakable challenges, God continues to do His work in this region.
1. We ask for your continued prayer for the accreditation of International Covenant Christian College (ICCC).
On July 2, we held a dedication service in the compound of ICCC-Rwanda, to give thanks for a new Education Centre building for training teachers in children’s education. In attendance were CTS (who made the construction possible), the Korean ambassador to Rwanda, local government officials, and about 1,000 church members. All gathered together in the sanctuary to praise the Lord and to pray that God may use the grounds of the Centre in a precious way to lead many young souls in the way of the Lord.
2. The Pastor of Lenkijape Church (Maasai), one of our rural churches, is going to Korea for treatment of a brain tumor.
On August 4, I visited Lenkijape Church and had a special time of prayer with the church members, especially for Pastor Stephen Omweri, who is due for treatment. Please join us in prayer, that through this visit to Korea, God would grant complete healing and prevent another relapse of the tumor. While human medical treatment may put in its best effort, it is God who heals. God willing, Pastor Stephen will arrive in Seoul at the start of September and stay for six weeks for treatment. Please join us in prayer for him.
3. Praise God for Bible College of East Africa (Kenya) Alumni Conference.
On August 5 to 8, graduates of our BCEA ministry gathered on campus grounds for a seminar under the theme “The Word of God.” We praise God for allowing a precious time of fellowship and learning for 91 alumni who were able to attend. I preached during the opening and closing services, and Missionary James Chen from Singapore served as the main speaker. I believe that the conference was a time of great blessing for all, and we praise God for the well-prepared videos and materials that were presented. We are also thankful for the Memorial Service held for Miss Judith Collins on the last day of the conference, as most of the attendees had been taught by her. She left our side suddenly after 50 long years of unwavering service, but we trust and pray with thanksgiving that He who grants growth will enable the seeds she planted to bear fruit. We thank God that Rev. James Blizzard visited from the US to speak at Miss Collins’ Memorial Service.
May the Lord be with you and your work in the Lord. We pray and trust that the Spirit will intercede for us “with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom 8:26).
In the bond of Christ, Kyung Soo (Mark) Kim and Hang Sook (Hannah) Rhee