October, 2024
“This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise.” Isaiah 43:21.
We greet you in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and trust that each one of you is doing well and enjoying the blessings of our good Heavenly Father.
Here in Arica, we are doing well, thanks to God’s infinite mercy. Both of us are very grateful because, once again, Janeth’s health exams have come back good. In 2015, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which was successfully operated on and treated. Since then, she has undergone a complete examination every year, and by God’s grace, all her tests have come out well. God has kept her stable for ten years now, and we feel incredibly blessed by the Lord’s goodness in extending her life.
We also want to thank each one of you who have faithfully prayed for her.
Children’s Day: Thanks to God, on August 18th we were able to put together a beautiful program for Children’s Day, which we greatly enjoyed doing because the children faithfully attend Sunday School.
The program was organized by the teachers, who put all their energy into making it special. Teacher Sister Roxana Pozo, even made a cake with the theme of God’s creation. Also, each child received a watch and a small fabric bag to carry and protect their Bible when going to Sunday School. We promoted some students, as they had reached the age to move up to the next class. They were given a diploma saying that they were advanced to the next level. How joyful to see how they are growing in the Lord.
Evangelism Activity: We had the occasion to organize and go out as a congregation to distribute tracts after Sunday School. Many tracts were handed out along with opportunities to witness to adults and children, inviting them to attend church. We ask that you pray for this to bear fruit, and that, according to God’s will, each of them would begin attending church and come to know the Lord as their Savior.
Congregational Meeting: On Saturday, September 7th, we held our annual meeting. During this time, reports were given on the progress of each department within the church, the remaining activities for this year were organized, and decisions were made regarding how to better serve God’s work.
Youth Class: Praise God for Janeth’s Youth Class on Saturdays, as new teenagers have joined and started attending Sunday School. We ask you to pray for their spiritual lives, as most attend without the support of their parents. Also, as they grow, one day they will have to choose between the world or Christ. We hope they choose to follow Christ.
We would like to tell you about Camila Fernández. She is 15-years-old and regularly attends church, but she doesn’t come alone—she brings five other children with her. She always invites other children and teenagers from her apartment complex to church. It’s refreshing to see someone so young with such a great love for God. Pray that the Lord will use her in His work, and who knows, maybe she will even become a future missionary.
Answered Prayer: Since we always ask you to pray for the families and parents of the children, as most of them are not Christians and do not attend church with their children, we were overjoyed on October 6th, when the parents of one of the children finally came to church with him. Let this serve as motivation for us to keep praying for each of them and to remind us that the Lord always hears our prayers and answers them according to His will.
“El Sembrador Church“
Once again, we had the opportunity to visit and minister at the church “El Sembrador” in Iquique, Chile. We held several meetings, including a congregational meeting on Saturday, August 24th. During this meeting, all church departments gave reports, new officers were elected, and the end-of-year activities were planned. Additionally, on Sunday, Jonathan taught both the adult and youth classes, and during the evening service, they received new members. We are happy to share that Sister Paola López was baptized during this ceremony. After the ceremony for new members, we celebrated the Lord’s Supper.
Not only do we thank the Lord for the privilege to serve in His harvest field, but it was also a time for both of us to rest and relax, as we were able to renew our strength to continue laboring. God is good.
Dear brothers and sisters, please pray for the following requests:
- MUPREF (National Women’s Conference) which will take place from November 8th to 10th.
- Pray for our daughters’ studies (Melissa and Ruth).
- The Christmas program in December.
- Vacation Bible School in February 2025.
We wish you and your families the Lord’s blessings.
In God’s love,
Rev. Jonathan, Janeth, Ruth Meylí, and Melissa Jara
“Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.” Isaiah 42:12