Thank you so much for your prayers for our safety and resettling back in Kenya. After the long flights, it was so good to arrive in Nairobi and see that our luggage made it safely. Brittany Cyrus flew with us from WV, and was excited to see a new land and experience missions. Matthew Proctor was to arrive the next morning, but missed an earlier flight, delaying his arrival by 24 hours and his luggage by six days; yet Matthew was never discouraged.
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
We are finding this verse to be so true with this trip to Kenya. Our thoughts and plans had been to start immediately on the construction of the Yaathi Church building. The foundation was put in last year, and we needed to build the rest. Well, we found out that the church members did not have the materials (stones, sand, bricks) ready for the building. The workers came to work, but there was nothing to work with. It has been a difficult task to motivate the church people to get all their part together. Yet, after nearly two weeks here, the building is going up. It seems that it will only go up to the ringbeam above the window level, and there we will have to stop.
Disappointing? Yes, but we must realize that the Lord is sovereign in these projects also. We had hoped for the construction to be complete, but God’s timing is perfect. As we looked, there are other things that were needed to be done, like water tanks for some of the churches. Right now the third church is receiving a water tank, and gutters to direct the rains into it. This is very much appreciated by the congregation. Also, a solar system for lights was installed in the Team House, making living in the bush a little easier. There have been some maintenance jobs done, like freshening up some needed areas with paint. And yes, there is still more to do! The Bible School classroom is in need of painting along with several other paint jobs too.
How Can You Pray?
Brittany and Matthew have been doing some teaching in the Bible and Technical Schools. They are making friends and building relationships with the students and pastors. They have helped to repair and re-repair about 40 desks from the public school. Seems there is always something more to do!
Pray for the coming days here. Each Sunday gives opportunity for Sunday School lessons and preaching in different churches. Plans are also to visit several public schools with local Gideon, Jackson Kinyeze, to distribute Scripture portions. Brittany has been asked to help teach some classes in the local school. And there are always maintenance jobs to do. We are looking forward to a visit from missionary friends, to share fellowship with them.
Last week we lost a dear prayer partner and friend in WV. We now need replacements and additional prayer partners to stay with us in the work of the Lord.
Thank you for praying for the work here in Isovya (or should we say Kenya?), and His will and timing to be done. Thank you our monthly supporters and prayer partners, and for those who gave for projects while we are here. You are a blessing to us, as well as to many churches and people here (or in this area?)!
– Gary & Pat Johnson, Team Leaders