June, 2014
“The LORD of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” Psalm 46:7
Dear Brothers in Christ,
It is a great pleasure to write to you again hoping you are all well and enjoying our Lord’s blessings. We always want to tell you how valuable your prayers and financial help are for us and we would like to thank you and ask our Lord to bless you for all you do for us.
We are very happy as our Lord blessed us with the presence of ten faithful children from the Cerro Cruz area (where our church is located) who continue to attend the Sunday School every week. Janeth and sister Griselda pick them up and bring them to our church. We thank our Lord because they will begin having breakfast here, as they all come from very poor families. Pictured right is Janeth picking up one of the children.
On Saturday, April 26, the Teen Group, along with Janeth, organized recreational activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our church. This group of young members is a very special one since most of them come from single-parent families or whose parents are drug addicts or alcoholics. It is a great pleasure for us to be able to help them and tell them that Jesus loves them and died for them. They all received Jesus as their Saviour in the Summer Bible School. We are thankful to our Lord for this 10th anniversary service on April 27th. We had a special lunch and service in the afternoon. We are always thankful because, after seven years, God gave us a beautiful church building to honor and glorify Him.
Also, we thank our Lord because in April we remembered the life, passion and death of Jesus Christ in our Sunday School. We shared the Lord’s Supper on Sunday the 20th, and on the Friday before, went to the Manantial Church for a special service.
A Mother’s Day program was organized including special activities for May 18th, with each mother receiving a special gift (pictured above). Two mothers came for the first time; they are the mothers of three children who are attending the Sunday School. Their names are Solange and Alejandra Díaz. We have kept on visiting them so that they will continue coming to our church. We ask you to please pray for them.
Janeth is very happy because her eldest brother, Daniel, is attending our church with his two grandchildren, Antonella and Bastian. Antonella is nine years old and Bastian is six. Her brother, who had been a bit distant from the church, is now getting closer and Janeth has always been praying for him.
Also, Daniel has some health problems as he is suffering from diabetes and due to his high blood pressure has lost the sight of his left eye and has very little sight capacity with the right eye, so he has to walk with someone helping him. This is very sad for him as he had led a very active life before. His doctor diagnosed total blindness, so he feels completely disabled. We ask you to pray for him to accept his condition and in God’s will that he may be healed. He is 60 years old.
The next Married Couples meeting will be held on June 6, for which we are very thankful. This type of meeting is always beneficial for each of the couples, since being together and sharing God’s Word makes then stronger in their faith. This meeting will be held at Sister Elizabeth Salinas’ house. She is a very kind and likeable person.
Please pray for the following:
- For Jonathan’s trip to the USA (June, July, August) to visit churches and supporters
- For Janeth and the children, who will remain in Arica serving our Lord
- For for the health of Daniel, Janeth’s brother
“Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2
Your brothers and sisters in Christ,
Rev. Jonathan Jara, Janeth, Ruth Meylí, Jonathan Edward and Melissa Jara