Dear Praying Friends and Supporters,
“For I the LORD, thy God, will hold thy right hand saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13
May the Lord bless you for all your prayers and gifts for us, while we have been working in Brazil. In the last few months we have visited many of our Fundamental Presbyterian Churches, including inaugurations for new church buildings and the graduation ceremonies of our seminaries. Therefore, we thank God who kept us and gave us the health to do the work of missions in Brazil. We are already in the month of November of 2014. Looking back, we felt ashamed that we didn’t work harder for His work in Brazil, but that was useless. We are just determined to do work harder in the coming year.
1. Recife Seminary Building Construction
The Recife Fundamental Presbyterian Seminary building in Recife was too small to accommodate all students who came to study there. Therefore, they were divided into two parts and were studying at the Recife Seminary and the Cabo Fundamental Presbyterian Church in the city of Cabo. So we started construction on June 17, 2014 to add three class rooms for the Recife Seminary. Now the construction is almost finished and we will be holding the inauguration ceremony on December 6, 2014. The cost of the construction was donated by one Korean deacon and his wife in São Paulo.
2. Baptism at the Castainho Church
On December 7, many persons will be baptized who were evangelized because of the children of the Bethesda Nursery in the village of Castainho in the city of Garanhuns, in the state of Pernambuco. We have already baptized 53 persons the past three years who are living near the Bethesda Nursery. Now they are preparing with the Bible study to be baptized by Rev. Lindinaldo who is a director of the Bethesda Nursery and a pastor for the Castainho and Cambirimba Fundamental Presbyterian Churches of Brazil.
3. Garanhuns Seminary New Students
The Garanhuns Seminary was started in 2006, but only this seminary was delayed in growth and development. Therefore we have reelected the directors of the seminary and prayed hard. Praise the Lord! God sent 27 new students into the Garanhuns Seminary, so all the professors and students were encouraged very much. Brazil is the biggest Roman Catholic country in the world. That’s why it’s not easy to find one reformed theological seminary student in Brazil, but God sent us 27 students. Up to now, the greatest number of students we could get was 12 only; but this time God sent us 27 students at one time.
4. Sertao Seminary Graduation
On December 13 the 2nd graduation ceremony of Sertao Seminary will be held in the city of Patos, the state of Paraiba, Northeast Brazil with six graduates for 2014. We are preparing wrist watches that will be given to the graduates. We thank all the professors because of their devotion to their seminary work, with very small remuneration. We pray for them that God will bless them and their families.
In Christ,
Rev. and Mrs. Woo Sun and Sook Ja Kim