TEXARKANA, TEXAS—Greetings on this fall day here in Texas. We are having cooler temperatures, after having several weeks of temperatures near or over 100°F. It is so much nicer to have the lower temperatures, therefore being able to enjoy the outdoors.
Looking back over the past months, I enjoyed a family reunion we had in June in South Dakota. All seven siblings and their spouses came, along with three nephews. It was a time of great fellowship and fun. We went down to our house on the farm, which we hadn’t visited now for some years. It brought back many memories of our childhood. Also along the road we stopped at other interesting spots, both Grandparents’ homes. Both families homesteaded back in the early1900’s. One nephew was especially interested in it, because he didn’t know much about it. It made the trip special. That was the highlight of the summer.
At the end of May, Beth hurt her back, with severe pain going down the leg. Pain medicine and rest made it bearable. After an x-ray and an MRI it was determined a bulged disc in her back was the source of the problem. She was told if it didn’t get better she would need surgery. Seeing the advertisement on TV about laser surgery, she chose that route and had it on August 4th. Now she must be careful and wear a back-brace when standing, with no bending, or twisting, or lifting anything above ten pounds. She needs prayer for a full recovery.
In July and August I was back in Texas keeping cool with the hot temperatures. We were up near and over 100 degrees. Thankfully it was much nicer inside the house. The children enjoyed the home-made swimming pool and trampoline for short periods of time.
The boys (Isaac 6 years old, and Gordon 4) are in the same school for this year. Gordon transferred to the same school that Isaac was in last year closer to home. They are doing well. Both are riding the bus back and forth, and are enjoying it. Someone takes them up to the bus in the morning and meets the bus in the afternoon. Both need prayer while in school.
I thank you for your prayers and monthly support you have given so faithfully. I appreciate it all very much. I know that words cannot express the gratitude I feel. May the Lord bless and richly reward you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Joan Davenport