Dear Friends and Brethren in Christ,
On a recent trip to Lima, Peru, in October, the Lord gave a wonderful opportunity to Jim to speak at a youth conference. It was especially a great time to answer many questions that the young people asked of Jim and other participating pastors, about Bible doctrine and issues that confront Christian young people. The questions often continued even after the sessions and not only by the young people. It was a blessing to respond to their questions with the certainty of the Word of Truth. Young people came from several churches and met for the conference in the church of Pastor Daniel Cueva in Callao, Peru. It was the occasion of the anniversary of their “Berean” Youth Group and it was a blessing to see many friends we have known over the years. On the way home, the normal 2-hour border crossing took 8 hours because of the holiday weekend traffic. Such is life in South America! Jim was glad to be back but it was a worth-while trip, blessed of the Lord.
In our own youth group we have recently been preparing our young people as well to be able to answer the questions of others with the Word of Truth. Several of our young people have asked us to address the issue of how to respond to those who have difficulties with the gospel. They have friends who are atheists and agnostics. Please pray for us and them as we prepare them to answer the questions of those who don’t believe with the certainty of the Word of Truth.
In our last prayer letter we asked for prayer for our Winter Youth Camp in July. We were overwhelmed by how the Lord answered prayer. We had young people come from Bolivia as well as different parts of Chile. Because of the offerings given, we were able to charge the young people just $23 for the week of camp. The cooking (for about 50 people) was done by ladies in our church along with a Peruvian young man from Missionary Tom Chapman’s church in Antofagasta. The campground was a different one than we’ve used in the past. Even though there were problems with the water being cut off at times and the lack of an indoor room for meals and services (it got pretty cold!), the young people adapted well and seemed to really enjoy the week. One night we watched the Christian film, “The War Room” and it really had an impact. We thank those of you who prayed and gave for the camp. On the last night, around the campfire, it was such a thrill to hear how the Lord had worked in hearts. Many gave testimony of decisions made for Christ. God answers prayer!
Another opportunity for our youth to be taught in the Word of Truth came in September. Five of our young people, along with Melody and another lady, were able to travel down South for the annual youth conferences. It was a blessing to see their enthusiasm. Debbie and Melody were able to participate in the young teen conference and a special evangelistic effort at the beautiful “Salto de Laja” (Laja Falls). We thank the Lord for the young people that were able to attend and for His provision and care for each one.
On October 31st, our church had a special celebration service and dinner, not only remembering the 499 year anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing his 95 thesis to the door of the church in Whittenburg and thus starting the Reformation, but also remembering the Lord’s faithfulness to us since we started the church 24 years ago. Over 80 were in attendance which was such a blessing and it was a joy to have 6 special music numbers in the service. It hardly seems possible so many years have passed, but we are so thankful for God’s goodness in bringing many souls to himself and sustaining our church all these years. To God alone be the glory!
Now, here it is already November! As we look forward to the coming activities and what the Lord has for us and the work here next year, we can only keep our eyes on Christ and trust him to guide and sustain. This week, Melody (and four other ladies from our church) will be traveling to Santiago for the Ladies’ National Congress of our church. It is held every two years.
Please pray for our Christmas program to be held December 18th. The title of the program is: “And His Name shall be Called.” focusing on the names given to our Lord Jesus at his first coming. A pageant using the words from Scripture will be interspersed with music by different groups and the children participating with a poem about the names of Jesus. Please pray that many unsaved would come to hear the gospel and that the Lord’s name would be magnified.
We are excited that Jeremy will be able to come home for Christmas and will get here just in time to help us with the Christmas program! After finishing his summer work at the Wild’s Christian camp, Jeremy signed a two-year contract with them to stay on as one of the Chefs. They have camps and retreats pretty much all year long, so he is kept busy! We are also excited that he will be going with others from the camp on a mission trip to Nova Scotia in early February to put on a camp up there. Please pray for the Lord’s provision for the mission trip and for Jeremy’s continued growth as he works there at the camp.
We will miss Becky and Joshua this Christmas as they both cannot get away from their jobs. Becky will be coming mid-January for a 3 week vacation though, so we are glad for that, and Joshua will possibly be coming sometime in February. Please continue praying for our children and God’s working and leading in their lives.
Debbie, 12 years old, has been enjoying “Artistic Roller Skating” this year. In October the Lord made it possible for Melody and Debbie to travel to Coquimbo (about 23 hours to the south by land) for the national competition in artistic skating. Debbie did very well and enjoyed the trip. We also enjoyed being able to go to our Fundamental Bible Presbyterian church in Coquimbo and meet the brethren there. This little church started about 10 years ago in the house of the Grandmother of one of our young people here in Arica! It was a joy to see what the Lord has done there in Coquimbo.
Looking forward to next year, we’d ask prayer especially for our VBS in February. Please pray for the planning and work that must go into it, as well as for the Lord’s blessing on it. Also, back in September when Melody was at the youth Congress, Pastor Nadir Carreño (president of the International Congress of Christian Churches) asked Melody if she would go to Mexico to translate for meetings of the ICCC which will be held the second week of February along with meetings of the Latin American Alliance of Christian Churches. After praying for some time, we believe that the Lord would have Melody to go. The Lord has already provided for the airfare through the gift of a dear brother in Christ, for which we are so thankful. But the funds for hotel and food still need to be raised. We’d appreciate your prayers for the Lord’s provision and help.
We’d also like to ask special prayer for two in our church who are battling cancer. Please pray for the Lord’s provision, healing and peace for these ones and their families.
In writing this letter we are mindful of Marilyn Faucette’s hand on sending out our prayer letters all these years and we are thankful for her faithful service to the Lord whom she now beholds face to face.
Thank you for your prayers as we continue to make known “the certainty of the Word of Truth” to those to whom God has sent us. We wish you all a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of opportunities to give out the Gospel to our needy world.
With much love,
Jim, Melody, and family