January 2020
Dear Friends and Family,
Greeting in the New Year of 2020. May the Lord bless and keep each of you. My, it’s hard to believe how fast time has gone by! It has been nine years since I returned to the States. I’ve had some contact with the folks in Bethlehem. The Baraka BP Church continues to flourish and grow strong. May the Lord continue to keep and guide as they grow in Him and to be faithful witnesses of His goodness. Let us continue to pray for them.
From time to time I see information about the United Arab Emirates. The country is growing and advances in technology. I see some of their new buildings are examples of exotic art. But I keep wondering what has happened with the Scriptures that were given out? I am claiming God’s promise that His Word shall not return void. How has God used it? Are there some that have read the Scriptures and come to salvation? Please continue to pray that the Lord will use the Word for His glory, bringing souls to Himself. I recall shortly before we closed the hospital and turned the work over to the other mission, a woman came in for treatment. Upon asking her name and pulling her chart, she showed us her Gospel NT for her name tag. It had been 20 years since her last visit. The Gospel had been wrapped in plastic and well-kept. I wonder how many more are out there waiting to be read and salvation accepted? Pray with me that God will powerfully use His Word.
I am still here in Texas. When I returned from overseas, I joined my niece’s family (Beth, her son, Isaac, and her daughter, Laura-Josephine, and her children). We remained in the same place until May of this year, when we moved to Wake Village. It was a move from a country area to a suburb of Texarkana, about six miles east of where we had been. It is a residential area, and although the street is busy, I am glad it is a quiet location.
Josey, her family, and fiancé moved to a trailer court in Hooks, about 15 miles to the west, on the edge of the next town. The children continue to attend Nash Elementary School, but are not able to ride the school bus. Someone must take them in the morning and pick them up at 3pm at the close of the school day. Pray for their safety and protection. The children are growing. Isaac turned 11 on January 7th, Gordan turned 9 on December 1st, Tara turned 4 on December 21st, Konari will turn 7 on June 17th, and Jesse will turn 3 on February 10th. Each one is delightful and smart. I miss them when they are not here, but happy when they return home after a visit.
At the end of September, Beth’s dad had a stroke and spent two weeks in the hospital, three weeks in rehab, and then six weeks with us. We put a bed in the living room for him. He now has gone home and is doing well. Also, after filling out many applications for many months, Beth finally got a job as a patrol-officer in local prison. It is going to help us a lot financially.
I thank those of you who sent Christmas cards and notes. I appreciate all the news and do apologize to you who did not receive one from me. I was limited on what I was able to do. I am hoping next year I can do better. I also thank those who are giving so regular to my support each month. I do appreciate it so very much. Yes, I still need support. May the Lord bless and reward you for your faithfulness.
Sincerely in Him,
Joan Davenport