And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
Psalm 9:10
Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We warmly greet you in the Name of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. Hoping that despite this worldwide pandemic that you are all well, as we know you always trust our almighty and sovereign Elohim, for we are sure that everything that happens in our world and in the lives of His children is under His control.
Here in Arica, we thank our Lord as well, yet we are just a bit concerned because our church members have not been able to congregate for almost three months now, because of the Covid-19 situation. We can only go to our church building to pray and keep it clean and tidy. Still, we have managed to spread our Lord’s message via WhatsApp and Zoom. It has been rather unusual, but it is all we can do to keep in touch with our brothers and sisters in the faith, which makes us very grateful for these valuable tools that are available for our Sunday school congregation to study at home. As a testimony, we can mention a nine-year old named Constanza Diaz (Sister Roxana Pozo’s grand-daughter) who accepted Jesus as her Savior. Our Lord touched her heart and she, on her own, talked to her mother and said she wanted Jesus as her Savior; Praise the Lord! Thus we can see how God is using these things to bless so many people, even during these hard times, because it is our Lord’s will.
Our Sunday service has been done via Zoom (as seen above) and it is so rewarding to be able to see and to hear our Brothers and their testimonies, so we will keep doing them this way until we can meet in person again.

We are so grateful to our Lord for the kind donation from a Christian brother from the US, who sent US$400 to us to buy food for the people in need. We were able to fill ten boxes with provisions and gave them out to the families who needed them. It was so touching to see their children’s eyes full of joy, and we pray our Lord will bless the generosity of this brother.
Our God is also to be praised because the online seminar has been going smoothly and we are so happy to see that most students are serving in our Lord’s ministry. Please keep on praying for this project, that it will spiritually strengthen more and more believers here.

Wanting to share something about our children, we are so grateful to God because our two oldest children, who are studying in Pensacola Christian College, have successfully finished this school year. Our daughter Ruth Meylí was accepted into the nursing program she wanted so dearly, and our son, Jonathan Edward, is going to start his third year in the criminal justice course. Our youngest daughter, Melissa, continues studying English; she loves languages. She is a real blessing as she has helped us a lot with the technology we are using at the moment to share our Lord’s message.
With all these things in mind, we would like to ask you to pray for the following:
- Sister Malely Navarro and her husband, Brother Alejandro Barrias, are both doctors. Working in the emergency ward, they are now infected with Covid-19 and are in quarantine at home.
- The Cerro la Cruz children, who miss going to their Sunday school – may God protect them.
- Janeth’s health; all of her checkups have been postponed because of the risk of exposing her to the coronavirus. All services at the local hospital are fully focused on coronavirus cases.
- Doctors and researchers who are working on finding a vaccine to stop this pandemic that has affected so many people worldwide.
- Our National Presbytery has suspended all of our 2020 meetings for safety’s sake.
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
Psalm 91:10
Best wishes and blessings from your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Rev. Jonathan, Janeth, Ruth Meylí, Jonathan Edward, and Melissa Jara