Serving the Lord in Guatemala

Dear prayer partners in Christ,

We would like to share the Word of God that we meditated on the first day of 2021. “But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine” (Isaiah 43:1)

In this one verse, there are four powerful statements of relationship that we cling to: God redeemed us, God named us, He called us, and He says that we belong to Him. Contrary to our expectations, the coronavirus still remains in 2021. Following its sudden attack, we have passed through a period of confusion and fear, and some are still feeling helpless. In this calamity that seems to rule the world as if it were an invincible being, God speaks to us: Jehovah God is our Creator, we belong to him. He is always with us…so we are not afraid.

Zion Middle School

The regular classes in 2020 had turned into online classes, without preparation. The students had a lot of confusion and difficulty because they had not been prepared for an online school system. Then, when the Ministry of Education announced that 2021 classes would also be online, we expected that many of our students would take a leave-of-absence for a year. However, contrary to what we thought, 140 students enrolled and even prepared the necessary items for online classes, such as mobile phones or laptop computers. We decided that they did not have to purchase school uniforms so as to reduce their financial burden. Please pray that God will provide the needs for each family and individual student, as they have put much effort into learning. Also, most of these students come from poor economic conditions.

The Bible reading which we had every morning before class had stopped, but has resumed again with the online classes. Caleb has been seeking various ways to share the Bible in this situation. Currently, Debra leads a short scripture reading during the 3rd grade English and Korean classes. Please pray for God’s wisdom to come up with effective and diverse methods to share the Bible. We believe that the Word of God will hold the students firmly in times of crisis if it is deeply rooted in their hearts. There is a plan to conduct online counseling and personal Bible study. Although it is not possible to target all students, we would like to start soon. Please pray for this project, so that Debra may do it wisely.

The home visits which had been a yearly event in December and January were cancelled. Although Caleb has visited several families, some reactions were negative due to the coronavirus, and it was not safe for Caleb either. Now, even when entering a small town, everyone has to have their temperature checked to avoid possible contamination from the virus. Pray for the safety of all.

Caleb is planning to stay connected with the 2020 graduates. He wants to maintain constant contact with them and has spent much time studying to find ways to develop an app that will make communication easier and more accessible. Pray for Caleb and this important project.

You recall we mentioned Denilson in our last letter. Well, he has been studying theology through correspondence for a year already. He is the first graduate of Zion school and received a scholarship from the fund for pastoral ministry, sponsored by Hope Presbyterian Church in Virginia. Pray for Denilson to continue in his studies the next three years, without giving up. He also wants to change his job to receive a better salary. We pray for God’s guidance in this matter.

Family News

Now we are living every moment of our lives with thanksgiving to the Lord for His love and grace in the protection of our loved ones. The difficulties in this world make us feel stronger through our dependence on God’s grace and mercy alone. Our son, Joshua, started a four month internship, which began February 8. Please pray for God’s presence and guidance in his new endeavor. We thank God for His protection for our family and friends. We are also grateful, even in these hard times, because we realize that we are nothing without our God. So, every day we look to the Him and trust in His mercy. That hope alone gives our hearts peace. Dear brethren, we pray that this same peace will overflow into your hearts each and every day, wherever you are in 2021.

In His endless love,


Caleb, Debra Kang

PS from the Executive Director

If the Lord lays on your heart the desire to financially help this couple with their computer project, kindly mark your gifts accordingly. The online program will be used throughout 2021, and possibly into 2022. In like manner, please do not forget your regular support for the Kangs. Thank you.