From: Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Olson
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment.” (Mark 12:30)
April, 2021
Dear Friends,
There are many commandments in the Bible, but the first one of all is to love the Lord with all of our heart. How do we do that? We make God and His service the top priority in our lives. In the sports world there is a good example of loving something with all the heart. If someone loves Philadelphia Phillies baseball with all his heart, what will he do? Well, he will never miss a game, and will never be late because he loves it. Nothing will get in the way because the Phillies have priority. He will know all the statistics of the team and will talk often of it because he loves it. He is a Phillies fanatic. If we love the Lord with all our heart people will look at us as a fanatic, and so be it.
We have put this heading as Africa because we have been ministering lately with another African country besides Cameroon. A group from Congo, with interest in the ICCC, got in touch with ICCC President Brad Gsell and requested teaching in their online Bible School. Brad taught a few classes through a French translator. He got in touch with us to continue the teaching in French.
First we had to upgrade our internet from 1 to 100 mbps. Ken has taught a few classes of which we have enclosed pictures. At first, his French was so rusty that he had to have some translation help from English into French. Then one day the translator was absent, so Ken had to do the whole thing in French which, Praise the Lord, worked out fine. After that, Ken was able to continue to teach in French. He has been teaching the classes on the subject of the Bible, which is very needful with all of the Charismatic influences out there.
The seminary in Cameroon finally received the first box of books. Please pray that the second box will arrive safely.
We sent out the fall edition of The Fundamentalist in March, going to all of Brazil. Some of the articles in this issue include: “About Trump and the Election” and a Resolution from the Chile ICCC on the 11th World Assembly of the WCC in September 2021. We had a small article entitled, “One Drink a Day Can Lead to This Very Serious Condition.” It was about a recent European study which linked drinking alcohol to Atrial Fibrillation.
As usual, we are continuing to preach in Kingsville and Marcus Hook. Some of the services had to be cancelled because of snow for the first time in a couple of years. We also restarted our door-to- door visitation in Marcus Hook. Because of the COVID we don’t actually knock on the doors, but instead put tracts on them. If we meet people during our visitation, we talk to them.
The Kingsville church hosted the spring meeting of Faith Presbytery, which was an in-person meeting for the first time since the start of COVID. Ken also moderated the annual congregational meeting of the Kingsville church on April 14. Earlier, we went up to Philadelphia to attend the funeral of Rev. David Jalaluddin of Faith Presbytery. Continue to pray for Skip, of Marcus Hook, with his cancer.
Lastly, our daughter Priscilla had her baby girl on February 2. Pictured here is baby Sophia. Friends, thanks again for all of your prayers and support that make this ministry possible.
In His Service,
Ken and Ira Olson