June 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3
We have been able to move our Monday prayer meeting to a more convenient day and now meet every Wednesday evening (see picture below). Paul has been leading the group through the anachronism ACTS for prayer, that is, Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. As we begin with praising God for who He is, we may say with the Psalmist, “The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.” (Psalm 145:17) We also have a good list of answered prayers, for which our hearts are filled with thanksgiving, not the least of which is the liberty for churches in California to be able to meet without any more discriminatory interference from the governor, and the release of jailed pastors in Canada.
Please pray for our families and the young ones who attend our services (some of the children are pictured above). Paul is ministering the Gospel on the Lord’s Day morning, afternoon and evening, so please pray for him as he seeks the Holy Spirit for continual guidance and blessing. Several also join our worship services through Jitsi videoconferencing.
In April, Katie won our junior competition for reciting the third chapter of Proverbs by memory, and Julianna, Geneva and Isaiah all tied for 1st place in the senior group, each one reciting the chapter word perfect!
Two of our homeschooling families were busy building houses in March and April, which is an education in itself! The Santander family chose a builder from the church that we helped establish when we first came to Chile nearly 14 years ago. So, our friends (the builder and his wife) stayed in our home during the two months that he worked here. It was a time of sweet fellowship.
But our two students, who study with us during the week, were progressing well when the older boy, Joaquín, suffered a severe biking accident and fractured one of his clavicle bones (collar bone). Their Dad managed to arrange his schedule to be with them during the day. Please pray for complete healing for Joaquín, and more importantly, for their spiritual needs of sanctification and growth in grace.
The lifting of quarantine (currently in effect every Saturday and Lord's Day) and interregional travel restrictions in Chile. There is also a daily curfew; we are thankful it has recently been changed from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Currently, Chileans and residents are not permitted to leave the country, except under special circumstances. Please pray that this may soon be lifted as well as testing requirements.
Health (of the people) – Chile has one of the five highest per capita covid-injection rates in the world (more than half of the population) and the reported number of covid cases has risen since the injections began. Mask use is also demanded in all urban areas.
Dilan (home on leave) and his brother Renato; for their salvation.
Rosita – to return to worship.
English students: Isadora and her family, Fernanda, Francisca, Carolina and her family, Daniela and her family, Dennise and Belén.
Rodolfo and his family (for restoration of his marriage); he has often met with Paul for Bible studies and has been attending our worship services.
Giselle – the daughter-in-law of two of Paul’s former theology students, who has been staying overnight with us (Monday through Friday) while interning as a nutritionist in Santa Clara.
Elías and Jessica and their family, Stefani and her family, José Luis and his family, Julio and his family in Santiago. Paul continues to visit and pray with Julio regularly by telephone.
Wisdom, revival, guidance, and direction.
The Chilean Presidential election in November; the leading candidates are communists.
Furlough issues (very complicated); for our Lord’s provision.
Thank you!
In Christ our Lord,
Paul and Cheryl
Geneva, Isaiah, Josiah, Anna, Sarah, Katie, Faith and JohnBaptiste