Dear Friends,
Most new versions of the Bible, including the NIV, say that the above verse and Mark 16:9-20 are not in “the oldest and best manuscripts.” What they call the “best manuscripts” are in fact not best. Mark 16 has been passed down by the church in the Received Text and we can depend on it. God has not only inspired His Word but also preserved it.
We are told to preach to every creature in all the world. This includes strangers and not just people we know. The best way to do this is with gospel tracts, which we can leave anywhere or hand out wherever we go. They are great for starting conversations in which to give out the gospel.
We sent out the Spring issue of The Fundamentalist in September. It went all over Brazil as usual, mostly in hard copies and some digital. We have enclosed a picture of the cover of this latest issue.
We had a couple of articles of interest from the US in addition to our normal articles on the Reformation and Bible Versions, etc. One article was “Ten Reasons Never to Support the Movement Black Lives Matter.” Another was a short article, “Destroying the Christian History of the US,” dealing with the taking down of Robert E. Lee’s statue in Richmond. Brazilians in general follow everything from the States with great interest and tend to take their cues from here as the US continues to influence the whole world as it departs from its Christian roots.
As we have said before, our packages to Cameroon have not been getting through. Now, even gospel tracts are not arriving. We are planning to send a pallet of books, tracts, etc. by ship to Cameroon within the next month or so. They ship by the pallet (40”x 48”x 5′) straight to the port of Douala where it can be picked up. We could have some problems getting the things through customs, so be in prayer for that. We have enclosed a picture of a pallet with tracts on it.
The people in Cameroon are always anxious to get tracts. There were times when I handed them out there that I had to be careful not cause a disturbance as people would come running to get them.
We have continued to preach at Marcus Hook and Kingsville once or twice a month at each place. Ken has been serving communion at each church as well. We have also continued the door-to- door ministry each month in both places to try to “preach the gospel to every creature.”
In September we attended presbytery in Charlotte, and then in October we were at the American Council of Christian Churches meeting in NJ. Ken spoke at the missionary conference in Collingswood in October and we attended there the funeral of longtime member, Miss Shirley Lee. Ken recently also performed the wedding ceremony of our neighbors across the street in Smyrna.
Continue to pray for our six-year-old granddaughter, Leah. She had a second operation to remove some cancerous lymph nodes and is scheduled to have radioactive iodine treatment in November. Pray that it will be effective.
We now have a second prayer request for our family. Our son, Luke, has been found to have serious problems with his heart at the young age of 30. He will be discharged from the army and will have open heart surgery sometime soon to replace a valve and repair his aorta. Pray for wisdom how to proceed and that the operation will go well. Below we have enclosed a picture of Ira and four of our children and two grandchildren at a recent baby shower in Florida for Moira, Luke’s wife, who is expecting in January and taking the picture. Luke is on the right holding his niece.
Thanks again for all your support and prayers.
In His Service,
Ken and Ira Olson