August, 2022
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
“…Samson awoke from his sleep and said, I will go out as before, at other times and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him.” (Judges 16:20) Lord, help us not to live on past victories but to depend on the Lord every day and in every part of our lives. Walk with the King!
First, we want to thank you dear friends, prayer partners, and supporters for your faithful support. Thanks to those who have given to the people in the Kitui area who suffer through famine and hunger; the widows, orphans, and church folks who were in need received food in July. The pastors of the IPC Churches went to prayer and asked the Lord to provide food for their needs also. So, in August we were able to send $500.00 for the pastors to share and have food for their own families. Thank you for your help!
In July we were able to go to Tipton, Iowa for a memorial service for a dear friend, Buzz Nebergal, who had passed away in December. On Sunday morning Gary and Matt Smith spoke on missions in the Tipton Bible Church. Gary took our minds back to the Great Commission, then highlighted various missionaries from the days of Dark Africa, such as Robert Moffett, David and Mary Livingston, Mary Slesser, Dr. Johann Kraft (going to Kenya in the late 1800s with the Anglican Church), then to the early days of the AIM (Africa Inland Mission) that reached across Kenya and East Africa. Gary also recalled the early days of the IBPFM with Marion McNeal and Dorothy Roberts along with other great missionaries who worked in the Bible schools, colleges, IPC churches, hospital, and clinics. What a blessing to know that God had helped and provided for each one.
Matt Smith, who had gone on his 2nd SOME team to Kenya in January, spoke on the call for all Christians to be missionaries wherever God places them; perhaps on a foreign field, a different state, or in your own hometown. Matt has now returned to Bob Jones University to continue with his education. We are sure he would appreciate your prayers.
We have heard from some of the Chilean SOME team that had gone to Kenya this past January. They were great helpers, in many ways. Some of them even prepared our house there for the next new missionaries that will come and work in Isovya. It is a lovely place and the people there are great! The need is also for new missionaries to help in the Bethel Bible School, and also with the pastors and churches.
Yes, there are some things for you to pray about, even now.
Looking down the road, on September 9th we will be going to Shanksville, Pennsylvania for the 9/11 Memorial of Flight 93. The Home Missions (IBPHM) has purchased 1,000 Christian/Patriotic tee shirts, 1,000 Romans Road booklets, and God’s Simple Plan of Salvation tracts, as well as some new and good used Bibles and Christian books. Pray that many will stop by our table for these items, which will given us an opportunity to witness to them. On the 10th we plan to be at the Apollo BPC Church with Pastor Jerry Gardner and the fine people there.
Then in October we are planning to attend the ACCC (American Council of Christian Churches) meeting in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This is always a great time of fellowship with others of a like precious faith.
Please continue to pray for our health needs and safety as we travel. Also, would you pray that we might have many opportunities to witness for our Lord, and to serve Him wherever we can. At present, we are praying for some children to come for a Bible club in our home area, so they might learn more about Jesus Christ through the Bible stories. Luke and Caleb, whom Gary taught for about seven years, have moved across town and it is more difficult for them to come to our house.
May the Lord bless you for sharing in our labors for Him.
Yours in His love and service,
The Johnsons
PS from the Executive Director: If you are interested in helping the Kitui pastors and their congregations with food, please mark your gifts accordingly. Your kindness will go a long way in supporting the body of Christ in the Kitui District of Kenya.