December, 2022
Greetings from East Africa in the great and precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray and trust that you are well by the grace He provides despite the unusual challenges of our times. With thanksgiving, we share the faithfulness and continued work of God on the field.
1. Bible College of East Africa (Kenya) has sent out new laborers into the harvest. The 51st graduation ceremony of BCEA was held on November 26. We praise God for the 17 men and women who completed their studies, equipped for the proclamation of the gospel. At each graduation, there is regret that not more truth was taught, not more time was shared, and not more support was given to those we must part with. May the Lord be with them to provide abundantly for what He has entrusted them to do. We praise God for all who have sacrificed and prayed for these students.
We must give special thanks to Young Kwang BP Church in Virginia for their annual gift of study Bibles, to Dr. Jeffrey Khoo, our old friend of the ministry, for the rich theological teaching he continues to provide, and for the countless unseen sacrifices and tears of those who pray for this ministry. The send-off of the graduates was with tears, and our prayers for them continue. May they be channels of blessing and mighty ministers of the gospel wherever they are sent. We ask that you join us in prayer.
2. The College in Rwanda is still undergoing rigorous work to meet accreditation requirements. These include criteria in facilities, infrastructure, administration, and a tremendous amount of paperwork documenting even the most detailed aspects of the planned operations. Our daughter Hayoung continues to work on this as her main task.
We thank God for a successful preliminary visit from Higher Education Council (HEC). We await feedback regarding the submission of modified documentation, an assessment visit from HEC accompanied by industry experts, and an approval process that must pass through four levels: HEC, Ministry of Education, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet.
Without God’s help, this is an impossible task. We pray that He will provide wisdom and favor at every step. The new law regarding church leaders mandates that all preachers be equipped with at least a Bachelor’s degree, and the enforcement starts in year 2023. We ask for your fervent prayers.
It is by your prayers and sacrificial support that we are able to continue in this ministry. We pray and trust that God will meet your every need during these challenging times. May you be strengthened by His grace and peace, and may you rejoice in the abundance He provides as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
In the bond of Christ,
Kyung Soo (Mark) Kim and Hang Sook (Hannah) Rhee