February, 2023
“… be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)
Dear Co-workers of missions,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We would like to share some news from the mission field, beginning with church news. Tanzanians are suffering from food shortages due to a severe drought. Last Christmas, there was a kind helping hand, so we were able to supply food to about 200 church members. Together, we shared the Bread of Life through the gospel of Jesus Christ. And the church building has to be rebuilt due to the risk of collapse. Now, we are raising a building fund. We are also putting reconstruction (see our last letter) on hold until all funds are raised. Please pray for this.
The Bible College of East Africa Tanzania opened on January 2nd. With six returning and two new students, we have a total of 23 students currently studying together. This semester, Dr. Seung-Kyu is lecturing on 1 & 2 Chronicles of the Old Testament, as well as Modern Church History. Dr. Ra Chae-won teaches 1 & 2 Corinthians, Systematic Theology Ⅰ (Theism), Elementary Greek Ⅰ, Church Music Ⅰ, and Pianoforte Ⅱ. Please pray for wisdom from heaven, so that we all may teach, as well as learn, God’s Word faithfully.
Our Chemchem Kindergarten opened on January 9th, and currently has about 80 children enrolled. Dr. Ra is serving as an accompanist for a singalong class at the kindergarten, one hour every week.
For our personal work, we are currently building a mission house (parsonage), pictured left. It is a house for us to live in, a house for other missionaries to use, and a house for guests to stay in. The foundation work has been completed, and now the walls are being built. Please pray for the construction to proceed without incident.
God willing, Dr. Ra and our two daughters will be graduating this coming May. They are currently concentrating on their thesis. Please pray for them to finish well and be able to graduate.
With great joy of the coming of Jesus Christ our Saviour,
Rev. Dr. Park SeungKyu and Dr. Ra ChaeWon