March, 2024
Dear Co-Laborers in the Lord,
Greetings from Kigali in the precious Name of our Lord. With thanksgiving, we share these recent updates from the mission field.
1. By God’s Grace, the Ministry of Bible College of East Africa (BCEA-Kenya) Continues
Rev. and Mrs. Kim were in Nairobi for a ministry visit, and from February 27 to March 8, Rev. Kim taught an intensive class on the Exposition of the Acts of the Apostles. He believes all were comforted and encouraged by the historical account of the first-century church, its boldness of gospel declaration, endurance in persecution, and glorious revival wrought by the Holy Spirit through the Word.
We were thankful to witness growth in the Word as well as in the numbers of those attending the Campus Church at BCEA. Praise God for the tireless labor of our fellow missionaries and laborers in the Lord, in Bible Study (James), Children’s Sunday School (Shermaine), Junior Youth (Eunyoung Bai), Youth (George), and Pastoral Care (Eben Yoon). We trust in God’s continued strength and wisdom as they remain faithful in their calling.
2. We give thanks to the Lord for the precious fruits of ministry through the service of BCEA graduates in Kenya.
On March 2, there was a dedication service for the building of Ole Kimaki Church in the Maasai region. The church was founded by a BCEA student named Joseph Koinange, and now has an attendance of 200. On this day, the congregation thanked the Lord for the provision of a place of worship, accomplished through the gift of a retired Korean pastor. We first met Joseph as a novice in the Word, and he is presently a dedicated student of the Bible at BCEA. We pray that he will be equipped as an effective minister of the gospel. This church is now served by Linku, another Maasai BCEA student set to graduate at the end of this year, Lord willing. Please be in prayer for Ole Kimaki Church and for Joseph and Linku.
On March 8, we visited the Kericho region, in which several BCEA graduates are pastoring churches. On this visit, we went to the churches served by Pastors Paul Koske (2004 alum) and Samuel Rotich (1994 alum). Paul’s church was visibly mature and the congregation now had a decent building for worship. Samuel had taken charge of a church that was full of challenges and was now overseeing the congregation which had grown under his care. They are in the process of constructing a sanctuary. We give glory to God for all the graduates who are serving wholeheartedly in the ministries to which God called them. This is the Lord’s work, and it is the Lord who enables. Our imperfect service in instructing them as students in BCEA is a small part of the great outworking of God’s purposes for His glory.
3. We Thank God for the Opportunity to Visit our Senior Missionary, Miss Judith Collins.
It was a great joy to see Miss Collins, who had recovered enough to be able to grasp our hands during prayer. We thank God for His healing and care thus far. On our visit, we prayed that God would grant recovery so that she will be able to see the fruits of her ministry one last time before she goes to be with the Lord. This was a difficult prayer to pray, and I was overwhelmed with emotion for her present condition. We do request your prayers for her, that the Lord may grant mercy in healing and strengthening.
4. The Ministry of Kigali Grows in the Grace of our Lord.
Although accreditation of International Covenant Christian College (ICCC) is still delayed, the ministry of Kigali Bible Presbyterian Church flourishes, by the grace of God. From this year, we have combined two services to one on Sunday at 10:00A.M., utilizing overflow spaces near the main sanctuary to accommodate latecomers and mothers with young infants.
In three years, Rev. Kim finished preaching through the entire Bible, book by book. He had begun preaching again from Genesis – this time preaching from a selected text from each book. We give thanks to the Lord for the hundreds who professed faith in Christ and hundreds more who were baptized in the last three years. We praise God for His faithful call of His people elect before the foundation of the world. It is our fervent desire that He use us as precious instruments for His work.
On March 17, the congregation was treated to a very special presentation from the Junior Youth Fellowship. Among the juniors, 18 students had memorized 20 Bible verses by heart and recited them in front of the congregation. It was a time of joy and thanksgiving. Each student received a beautiful Bible. We pray and hope that the Word will be a source of truth, nourishment, and victory as they mature as God’s obedient children.
Brethren, we are grateful for your prayers and sacrificial support, which enable us, by His grace, to serve. We pray and trust that God will supply all your needs and be with you as you serve Him.
In the bond of Christ, Kyung Soo (Mark) Kim and Hang Sook (Hannah) Rhee