Serving the Lord in Tanzania

June, 2023

“… be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)

Dear Co-workers of missions,

            Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I would like to share some good news from the mission field and our family.

            The Bible College of East Africa, Tanzania, had her 13th Graduation Service on April 22. A total of four students graduated, and are pictured in front in the above photo. Some will enter the ministry, and some will depart to BCEA in Kenya. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in the journey for those that will further their studies.

            Dr. Ra and I went to Singapore via Kenya and Korea after graduation. I preached at the Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) on the day of our arrival (April 28) for the End of Term Thanksgiving Service. Then on May 7, FEBC had her graduation service. In this graduation, my wife earned her Master of Theology degree, our first daughter earned her Master of Divinity degree, and our second daughter earned her Bachelor of Theology degree. I also gave the closing prayer and the benediction. The closing prayer and the benediction below are the words that I had with my wife and my daughters in mind.

O Gracious Heavenly Father, bless Far Eastern Bible College that thou has established, and the teachers and students, especially graduates at this evening, that they may teach and learn thy Holy and Sacred Word faithfully. Now we are sending thy servants unto where Thou command them to go. Lead them not into temptation but deliver and keep them protected from evil. Guide them with Thy light. Help them with Thy right hand. And use them mightily for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. May the LORD bless you, and keep you. May the LORD make his to face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the LORD lift up his countenance upon you,

and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. (2 Cor. 13:13)

            The theses, related to Greek, that my wife and my first daughter submitted will be published this year by a publisher in America (Old Path Publications). Please pray that there will not be any problem.

            Then on May 14, I preached at the True Life Bible Presbyterian Church’s Lord’s Day Service from Acts 12:25-13:3 with the title, “The First Missionaries.”  At the present, we are having a weekly Korean Bible study with Korean brethren in Singapore and the Lord’s Day Afternoon Service in Korean. Our remaining schedule in Singapore is the church camp of the True Life Bible Presbyterian Church, from June 11-15. I will give a brief mission report and teach a one-hour session on the topic, “Church and Her Officers.” Please pray for this.

            In closing, I would like to ask one additional thing for you to pray for, and that is the construction of the Mission House in BCEA Tanzania for missionaries. Also, please pray for the reconstruction of the campus church, which is under danger of collapsing. We mentioned these items in our last letter. Thank you.

                                                                                                In Christ,            
Rev. Dr. Park SeungKyu and Dr. Ra ChaeWon