November, 2024
Dear Supporters and Prayer Partners,
We are often overwhelmed as we consider the blessing and provision of the Lord. He has certainly provided for every need, and continues to do so, out of His abundant grace. With that in mind, we wish to thank you for your supportive prayers, regular monthly gifts, as well as providing for a number of special projects we have made you aware of. Without your assistance, we could do nothing.
A dear older friend was often heard saying, “God answers a prayer we didn’t pray yet.” Certainly He knows, even before we ask. This has been our experience over the years, and we are sure it will be in the future.
As the two of us look forward to another new year, we are prayerfully considering a SOME team to Kenya, for June, 2025. Unfortunately, our leader in the past, Bonnie Leithmann, will be unable to go with our teams in the future due to recent difficulties with her eyesight. We have asked three couples to pray about leading this team. So, would you pray with us concerning these potential team leaders, as well as team members? As in the past, there will be opportunities to preach in local churches, teach Sunday school, teach at the Bethel Bible Institute, and do visitation. If you might be interested, please let the IBPFM know and they will send you the necessary information.
As we close this brief letter, we would appreciate your prayers for our health, safety in our travels, and that we will continue to be used of the Lord as doors of opportunity are opened unto us. And may the Lord bless each of you, and give you a WONDERFUL Christmas as you reach out to family and friends. And may you also have a very Happy and Blessed New Year.
Yours in His love and service,
Gary and Pat Johnson