Missions with the Matamalas

November, 2024

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.  2 Peter 3:18

            Beloved brethren in Christ, the grace of the Lord be with you all. We thank God for each of the brethren who support us with their continual prayers and kind offerings.

God calls us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As Lord, it is a call that He makes to each citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. But we must also advance in the knowledge of our Savior. How much does Jesus Christ impact our lives? How important is our Savior Jesus Christ in our daily activities? We must grow in the grace and knowledge of our beloved Jesus Christ, so that, with this, we can expand the Kingdom of our Savior on this earth; so that the world may glorify and praise Him.

The work in Punta Arenas continues to advance under the direction of our God. In these eight months that we have been serving our Lord, He has been forming a beautiful group.

            We are really happy because, after the Winter Vacation Bible Club, four children joined the Saturday Bible Club (Ramzzes, Ashley, Orlando and Maite) and have continued to participate every Saturday. What a blessing. Would you pray for them, so that their parents will continue to bring them to the Children’s Club.

Here are some of the activities we have done during these past months.

1. Preparation of Workers: We began the classes for the preparation of our brother Iván Cárdenas, as an aspiring Elder. Every Sunday (pictured right) we meet in the morning to study theology, the church constitution, Presbyterianism and requirements of Christian conduct for the ministry.  In addition, Brother Patricio Cárdenas (below left) joined for a course-workshop on devotional direction and basic courses on biblical hermeneutics and homiletics.

            We ask you to continue praying that God will raise up local workers for the work in Punta Arenas. God allowed Brother Ivan to give his first sermon at the worship service on October 13. During that weekend, Daniel traveled to the Presbytery sessions in San Carlos (in the central part of the country). It took two flights and a car ride to get there. We are grateful that God took care of him on his trip and that the work in Punta Arenas continued without difficulties.

Among the other activities, we started a catechumen class for Sister Cecilia Crisóstomo, to be received as a member of the congregation.

2. Nighttime Family Run: A group of 10 from the congregation were able to attend a family run organized by the Municipality. We gave testimony of our faith and the presence of the church in the city. In addition to the visual testimony of the verse on our sweatshirts (“Repent ye, and believe the gospel” Mark 1:15), we also handed out evangelistic tracts.

3. Celebration of Children’s Day: In August, we did a special activity to celebrate the children in the congregation. It was a very joyful time in which we were able to share a Bible lesson, games, food and some gifts.

Then, during the month of September, we had a visit from our relatives. This filled us with joy to see them again and enjoy their company at the birthday celebration of Daniel (turned 11) and Joaquín (turned 10).

Attendance at our meetings has continued to grow. There is a new family that is beginning to participate, the Vera Garrido family. Pray for them, please. Also, one of the important milestones for our congregation was the adoption of a name: “Faro de Gracia” (“Lighthouse of Grace”)

We hope that this will be a motivation for this beautiful group of children of God, to be a lighthouse that illuminates and directs the souls that need to be reached with the gospel. May the grace of God illuminate all those who are called for salvation and eternal life.

4. Prayer Requests:

  • May God continue to strengthen us and give us good health.
  • May God work salvation in the people who attend the meetings.
  • For the health of Cecilia and her stay in Yungay.
  • For the health and salvation of Mrs. Fanny Pino.
  • For the health of Mrs. Delfa.
  • For the ministry of evangelizing at the University of Magallanes and the Hospital.
  • For the attendance of the new children: Ramzzes, Ashley, Amaro, Orlando, Maite, and Maximiliano.
  • For fruit from the activity of celebration of Reformation Day.
  • For God to provide land for the congregation.
  • For God to provide us with a larger vehicle for his service.

We ask you to continue praying for the Presbyterian work of the “Faro de Gracia” Group, the southernmost congregation in our country.

In the love of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Matamala Colpi Family