Serving the Lord in Kenya, Tanzania & Rwanda

December, 2024

Dear Co-Laborers in the Lord,

            Greetings from East Africa, in the great and precious name of our Lord.  We trust and thank the Lord that you are well in the grace and peace that He provides.  Thanks to your prayers, we are also doing well despite some difficulties and challenges.

            The 53rd graduation ceremony of Bible College of East Africa (Kenya) was held on November 23.  By the grace of God, 23 students who completed the prescribed courses graduated and, God willing, are ready to take the gospel to Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda. 

            It was a great joy and privilege to have Rev. Prabhudas Koshy, pictured right, in attendance. My old classmate from Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC), he is currently the senior pastor of Gethsemane Bible Presbyterian Church (Singapore) and Dean of Students at FEBC. Rev. Koshy preached from Acts 16:1-3, under the title “Spirit-Separated Men for the Ministry.” May the graduates keep themselves pure from sin and preach the gospel boldly.

            Please join us in prayer, that God will be glorified through their precious service as God enables them to guide many souls to the Lord and bear much fruit in the places He sends them.

            We thank God for your love, sacrificial giving, and unceasing prayer throughout this year.  We pray that this Christmas will be a meaningful one as you celebrate the birth of our Lord.  May the new year bring forth much fruit in the Lord.  We ask for your continued prayer for the closed churches in Rwanda and the opening of International Covenant Christian College. 

                                                                                     In the bond of Christ,
                                                                                     Kyung Soo (Mark) Kim and Hang Sook (Hannah) Rhee